The Percentage Of Americans That Believe In God Has Fallen To An All-Time Low


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Do you believe in God?  If so, you belong to a portion of the population that is steadily shrinking.  Yes, a majority of Americans still think that God exists, but the trend is clearly going in one direction.  So are we headed down the same road that so many post-Christian nations in western Europe have already gone down?  According to a shocking new survey that Gallup has just released, the percentage of Americans that believe in God has plunged to the lowest level that they have ever recorded


The percentages of Americans who believe in each of five religious entities — God, angels, heaven, hell and the devil — have edged downward by three to five percentage points since 2016. Still, majorities believe in each, ranging from a high of 74% believing in God to lows of 59% for hell and 58% for the devil. About two-thirds each believe in angels (69%) and heaven (67%).

74 percent may sound high, but it is important to note that this includes anyone that may believe that any sort of a “god” exists.

So this figure would include people from many different religions.

Overall, the percentage of Americans that believe in God has fallen by a whopping 16 points just since 2001

Gallup has used this framework to measure belief in these spiritual entities five times since 2001, and the May 1-24, 2023, poll finds that each is at its lowest point. Compared with 2001, belief in God and heaven is down the most (16 points each), while belief in hell has fallen 12 points, and the devil and angels are down 10 points each.

Church attendance has been steadily declining over the years as well.

In fact, a different Gallup survey discovered that church attendance is down by about 10 percentage points since 2012…

U.S. church attendance has shown a small but noticeable decline compared with what it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. In the four years before the pandemic, 2016 through 2019, an average of 34% of U.S. adults said they had attended church, synagogue, mosque or temple in the past seven days. From 2020 to the present, the average has been 30%, including a 31% reading in a May 1-24 survey.

The recent church attendance levels are about 10 percentage points lower than what Gallup measured in 2012 and most prior years.

The American people are increasingly losing faith in organized religion, and it certainly doesn’t help that almost every day there is a story in the news about some member of the clergy that has committed some sort of horrible crime.  For example, just today I came across a story about an “executive pastor” that stole $130,000 from his own church

A New Hampshire executive pastor has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for stealing around $130,000 from his church to pay off gambling debts and make purchases.

Gregory Neal, of Barrington, 45, was sentenced in federal court Wednesday and ordered to pay back the Journey Baptist Church and the insurance company that covered a portion of the losses.

Sadly, many Americans are also losing faith in the traditional Christian values that this nation was founded upon.

According to one recent poll, approximately two out of every five young adults in the U.S. believe that marriage is “an outdated tradition”

Are there wedding bells in your future? If you’re young and in love, the answer is — probably not! A new survey finds that two in five young adults think marriage is an outdated tradition. Moreover, a staggering 85 percent don’t think you need to get married to have a fulfilling and committed relationship.

Interestingly, the poll, commissioned by the Thriving Center Of Psychology, found that more women (52%) than men (41%) have this view of marriage. So much for saying yes to the dress!

Our society is not going to survive if we keep going down this path.

Meanwhile, the numbers for those on the other side of the battle for our culture just keep improving.

A very high percentage of our national leaders have graduated from Ivy League schools, and the demographics at those schools clearly demonstrate where America is heading.

At Yale, 29 percent of the current study body identifies as LGBTQ+…

According to Yale Daily News, around 29% of its responding student body identified as something other than straight, as the school boasted that it “welcomed the largest and most diverse class in University history.”

More specifically, 14% said they were bisexual, 6% gay/lesbian, 8% “questioning,” and 1% asexual.

At Harvard, that figure has risen to 21 percent and it is set to go even higher…

Over at Harvard, the 2023 class had about a 21% non-straight population, according to the Harvard Crimson. But the school is ready to outdo itself, as the class of 2025 will increase that number to 29%. That rate is a more than 18% increase from the class of 2017, which was represented by an 89.9% straight student body.

We are rapidly becoming the polar opposite of the society that our founders once established.

If our country ever needed a “great awakening” it is now.

Because the clock is definitely ticking.

Many Americans live their lives as if there will never be any consequences, but the truth is that none of us know what day will be our last.

In recent years, so many people that I deeply cared about have suddenly passed away.

And it is just a matter of time before our entire society experiences a sudden shock that will literally change everything in a single moment.

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