The Party Of Racism Strikes Again: Dems Tell Blacks They Cannot ‘Succeed In A Merit-Based System’ After The Supreme Court Rules Affirmative Actions Is Unconstitutional


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Before getting into the real meat and potatoes of this article, let us set the scene.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action for college based admissions, was unconstitutional.

Via Britannica:

Affirmative action was initiated by the administration of President Lyndon Johnson (1963–69) in order to improve opportunities for African Americans while civil rights legislation was dismantling the legal basis for discrimination. The federal government began to institute affirmative action policies under the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and an executive order in 1965. Businesses receiving federal funds were prohibited from using aptitude tests and other criteria that tended to discriminate against African Americans. Affirmative action programs were monitored by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Subsequently, affirmative action was broadened to cover women and Native Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities and was extended to colleges and universities and state and federal agencies.

Basically it was reverse discrimination, but at a time when blacks did not have the opportunities that other races did as they do today.


That was then, this is now where everyone has the same opportunities, but it depends on their own abilities.

Which is where Democrats, the party of the KKK  and Jim Crow laws, comes in, to rage against the Supreme Court for daring to strike down a law that is outdated and has no place in America today. Where men and women are judged by merit and intelligence rather than the color of their skin, and worse yet, not treating black people as if they aren’t smart enough to succeed on their own.

The reactions from democrats across the board, the same part constantly accusing Republicans of being racist, is a lesson in actual racism that should be highlighted by every single Independent Media website, because the traditional MSM are being just as racist in their reporting.



Via Huffpo, we see many of these reactions.

• “Today’s decision deals a needless blow to America’s promise of equal and fair opportunity,” reads a joint statement from Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus chair Judy Chu (D-Calif.), Congressional Black Caucus chair Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) and Congressional Hispanic Caucus chair Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.).

Note: Equal and fair opportunities, for all, is exactly what the Supreme Court just gave us with this ruling.

• Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called the court’s ruling “a giant roadblock in our country’s march toward racial justice.”

• Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) had some stronger words, calling the court’s decision “just the latest in the white supremacist assault on equity in education.”

• “Once again, this extreme Supreme Court has taken our country backwards,” said Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), also a member of the Judiciary Committee. She called Thursday’s decision “shortsighted and detached from reality.”

• “Justice ‘Harlan Crow’ Thomas and five other MAGAs have just slammed the college doors on Black and Brown folks after declaring that we now live in a color-blind country,” Johnson said in a statement. “This decision can lead to the demise of [historically Black colleges and universities]. We cannot let that happen.”

That one right there shows us how democrats, black and white, are so self-unaware that they cannot even see their own reverse racism.

American has had a half black president, a black VP, and the comment above came from a black congressman, so yes, we do live in a color-blind country since none of that could have happened without white people voting for them!

Granted, there are racists in America, both black and white racists, black racist against white and whites racist against blacks, but those are not the majorities, those are the fringes and should be ignored because they shouldn’t even be part of the conversation.

And that comment about “black colleges,” just imagine what would happen in this day and age if anyone dared have a “white college.”

One of the most accidentally honest reactions was found on social media, and in fact made clear exactly what democrats think about blacks in America.

The comment came from a Twitter user named Erica Marsh. Her bio states “Proud Democrat: Former Field Organizer to elect President Biden. Volunteer for the Obama Foundation. (She/Her).”

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