by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Back during the planscamdemic, I and a few others around the world, including our friend and colleague Catherine Austin Fitts, all came to certain conclusions about what was going on based on our observations of the behavior and pronouncements of “authorities”, “experts”, and the big pharma companies. Our “scenario” (making allowances for slight differences from person to person advancing different versions of it) basically went as follows: the planscamdemic was contrived for several purposes, some of them social and cultural, some economic, and some medical. The medical aspect of our speculation was that a gigantic world-wide medical experiment was being conducted on the entire human population, or at least, as much of a diverse sampling of it as was possible , without its fully informed consent. That medical experiment included the deliberate release and infection of people by pathogens which, in turn, had been deliberately modified, and those modifications were the products of bioweapons research.  The other component of this vast Mengele-on-steroids operation was the “cure”: so-called vaccines were rushed to market via emergency use authorizations, use itself which had been carefully prepared by presidential declarations that allowed the terminally ill to receive experimental therapies.


There was even a massive world-wide effort to change the very definition and lexicography of the word “vaccine” to accommodate the use of the experimental microbial RNA injections. Worst of all, many corporations mandated that their employees receive these injections: “my body my choice” was ok when women were killing their babies(overlooking the always inconvenient fact that a baby is someone else’s body because of its different genetic composition), but went right out the window when it came to injection mandates. President Trump even suggested the US Military might be used to “distribute” the injections, and the media campaign against alternative (and much cheaper) therapies went into hysterical panic overdrive mode.

As the first injections were administered, reports began to trickle out on the internet all over the world of a bizarre litany of adverse reactions: pregnant women began to miscarry at astonishing rates, or, children were born prematurely; menstrual cycles were scrambled, spike proteins began to appear in male sperm, healthy athletes in the prime of life and career suddenly started dropping dead of heart problems during sports events, funeral directors and autopsies began to discover long, stringy, rubbery clots of several inches’ length in peoples’ blood vessels, magnets would stick to people’s arms where they had received the injections, and so on. Some Italian and Japanese laboratories began to discover all sorts of microparticles in the various injections, from heavy metals to what appeared to be nanoparticles. There began to be talk of “shedding”, as the un”vaccinated” began to show signs of their own adverse reactions after having been exposed to those who had been injected. Most importantly, those laboratories that did test the various injections began to report different lists of ingredients in some of them.

These odd allegations led me and some others to conclude that, amidst this vast global experiment in creating(plan) and managing(scam) a “pandemic”(planscamdemic), they were humanly testing a variety of injections on humans, literally just to “see what happens.” Reactions could be traced via batch numbers, and like all such tests, some of the injections would turn out to be placebos.

That’s the Cliff Notes version of what I and many others had concluded was happened.

Now there is evidence that some of the injections were, indeed, placebos, a fact that tends toward the corroboration of the idea that different batches used slightly different combinations of ingredients, or different levels of the same ingredients. Indeed, the study suggests that among the batches themselves, there was a difference in ingredients because the adverse reaction rates and clusters are themselves statistically significantly different among different populations:

The below figure from the Danish study illustrates this variation.

It shows that the batches used in Denmark, which are represented by the points in the graph, essentially break down into three groups.

The ‘green batches’ clustered around the green line have a moderate or moderately-high level of adverse events associated with them. In the discussion with Preradovic, Gerald Dyker takes the example of the green point furthest to the right.

As he explains, it represents the batch that was the used the most in Denmark, with somewhat over 800,000 doses having been administered. These 800,000 doses are associated with around 2,000 suspected adverse events, which gives a reporting rate of one suspected adverse event per approximately 400 doses. As Dyker puts it, “That’s not a small amount if we compare to what we know otherwise from influenza vaccines.” According to Dyker’s calculation, the green batches account for more than 60% of the Danish sample.

There are then the ‘blue batches’ clustered around the blue line, which are obviously associated with an extraordinarily high level of adverse events. As Dyker notes, no more than 80,000 doses of any of the blue batches were administered in Denmark – suggesting that these especially bad batches may perhaps have been quietly pulled from the market by public health authorities.

Now note what the article concludes:

Or, in short, to paraphrase the German scientists’ findings on the variability of the Pfizer-BioNTech batches, it would appear that the good was bad, the bad was very bad, and the very good was saline solution.

Were there placebos? Yes. Were there different batches with either different ingredients, or the same ingredients in different percentages? Apparently so. Were any of us, in any country, ever adequately informed about any of this? No. Who didn’t adequately inform us about this? Our governments, the pharmaceutical companies, and the media.

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