The End Game Connecting the Dots of COVID Shots, Climate Change, Obamacare and More


by DrLee4America , America Outloud:

If you understand that the 100-year plan to depopulate the earth is the END GAME, then everything we have been experiencing in the last 50 years, including the rise in transgenderism and the last three years of COVID tyranny and hospital homicides, makes sense in a perverted way that is anti-life, anti-Christian, anti-GOD, anti-human. It is the agenda of the destruction of God’s design of the planet and life itself.


Physician DrLee4America draws chilling parallels of events going back to the 1920s with Margaret Sanger’s euphemistically named “eugenics” movement that, in fact, had the goal of extermination of blacks, Jews, soldiers, and the mentally and physically disabled in her belief that only white Americans deserved to live.

What many today do not realize is that not only did Margaret Sanger create “Planned Parenthood” to eliminate “Negroes” (her words), but she was also the leader of the racial cleansing movement in America that motivated Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany to undertake “racial cleansing” in Germany to create the pure Aryan race and exterminate more than 6 million Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.

Yet, to this day, Margaret Sanger is idolized by Hillary Clinton and other feminist leaders pushing for abortion on demand.

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