The Deeper Dive: The Cashless Society is Here!


by David Haggith, Gold Seek:

The first part of this article is free to everyone in order to bring everyone up to date on how rapidly the world is collecting its citizens into a totally centralized cashless society. It also includes links and a password to give you access to some previously privileged content about the move toward cashless control that was originally for my Patrons only. I want to make sure everyone has access to the big picture that was once conspiracy theory but is now mainstream news starring major actors who are playing themselves.


The International Monetary Fund is making sure all digital currencies are global

First, a little refresher on what we’ve already seen in the news this month and covered in editorials in The Daily Doom:

The first big story was the push by the International Monetary Fund to make sure all central-bank digital currencies (CBDCs) work on a global platform right out of the gate. The IMF wants to makes sure digital currencies that are controlled by central banks as each nation’s legal tender don’t start off with each nation doing its own thing to where they struggle to integrate globally over time. So, it is creating a global platform.

In an article titled “IMF Pushes Global Central Bank Digital Currency Platform as Cashless Trend Builds Steam,” we learned …

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is working on a platform that would allow various central bank digital currencies (CDBCs) to interoperate on a global scale, which comes amid a broader push toward cashless societies and concerns about risks to freedoms….

IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva told conference participants on Monday in Rabat, Morocco,… “CBDCs should not be fragmented national propositions … To have more efficient and fairer transactions, we need systems that connect countries—we need interoperability…. For this reason at the IMF, we are working on the concept of a global CBDC platform.

In case you were concerned your nation’s first move into a digital currency changeover would not work globally, the IMF is letting you know they have this covered … or are hard at work on solving it. It is not there yet, and that may be what is holding up CBDCs’ large-scale rollout:

Georgieva said the IMF wants central banks to reach a consensus on a common global regulatory framework for digital currencies that would give global adoption a major boost.

The IMF believes that the absence of a global platform on which various countries’ CBDCs can interoperate would make a weaker case for their use and cryptocurrencies would step in to fill the void. CBDCs are controlled by central banks, while cryptocurrencies are generally decentralized.

It is vital to the globalists that we do not do anything in a decentralized way. God forbid cryptocurrencies should cut central banks out of central control of the currency in use. Then where would their power be?

“The last thing we want” is the emergence of “settlement blocks” where CBDC transactions are settled within separate ring-fenced regional frameworks.

So, global they are going to be … pretty much right out of the gate, though some are past “out of the gate” and have crossed the finish line:

She said that out of 114 central banks around the world that are exploring issuing national CBDCs, around 10 have already crossed the finish line.

This is a determined globalist move:

“We will pursue relentlessly together” the development of central bank digital currencies…. The agency sees the widespread adoption of CBDCs as a near given.

To accomplish Earth’s move to becoming a global cashless society, the IMF has increased the staffing it has working on digital currency.

We also learned just this month that the UN seeks to make sure you have a digital ID attached to your bank account. I wrote about this in an earlier editorial, so I won’t repeat it all here. (“Line Up for your Global/Interstellar ID Number”) I’ll quote just one paragraph of that as a refresher:

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres states that the United Nations is planning to introduce a global digital ID system that is linked to individuals’ bank accounts. He wants to make sure every individual in the world can be directly tied to his/her/its bank accounts. You probably should be afraid: Why does the UN need to know my bank account number? And why do I need to have a globally recognized number to identify me? We’ve survived for thousands of years without one. The plan … is similar to the system developed by the World Economic Forum.

You can read all about Guterres’ initiative in that editorial, but the active integration here is the important point. The silence of global leaders expressing any concern about these global digital IDs is deafening. Bill Gates pushed for the same thing during the Covid pandemic (for everyone’s wellbeing of course). I wrote in detail about Gates’ push for global digital IDs clear back in the early Covid days for RT and on my past site here: “CASHLESS SOCIETY 2020: Bill Gates Goes Viral on Digital ID and Digital Currency.”

If anyone thinks this is not a globalist agenda, they should note the articles quoted here state that the UN is working in conjunction with the IMF. The UN is pushing the digital ID attached to your bank account, while the IMF is pushing the global integration of all digital currency. In a video at the end of this article, the head of the world’s largest central bank, the Bank for International Settlements, also pushes hard for the new CBDC system.

So we have a global digital currency system being worked out openly now by numerous major players that will be attached to each person’s identity and bank account. The UN even titles its program “Our Common Agenda.” “Brief 5” of the common agenda is titled: “A Global Digital Compact — an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All.” They have no reservations in stating their agenda is a common globalist digital compact to create a digital future for everyone that includes (another title) “Reforms to the International Financial Architecture.”

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