Sports; a testing ground for men (fake women) competing against women


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

I’m going to show you how one heavy pillar of the House of Transgender is built.

Mark Harris of Outkick reports: “…now even the New York Times is admitting that men do not belong in women’s sports.”

“The Times—one of the more liberal mainstream outlets in the country—publishing a column titled ‘The Legal Foundation of Women’s Sports Is Under Fire’ signals that there may be a change in dialogue on the horizon. At the least, it’s refreshing to see the Times practice free speech and publish the opinion piece from David French.”


“Clay Travis [the founder of Outkick] reacted to the surprising piece from the Times on ‘OutKick The Show’ on Monday and noted the vast difference between how the Times is talking about transgender athletes in women’s sports and ESPN’s lack thereof.”

“‘This is in the New York Times, but ESPN will not cover the attack on women’s sports,’ Travis explained. ‘In fact, ESPN said that Lia Thomas [male swimmer who identifies as a woman] was a women’s sports hero during their programming. They’ve condemned Sage Steele for her outspokenness on this, Sam Ponder as well [two ESPN broadcasters]’.”

If you were a woman who had dedicated your entire young life to training, in order to excel in your sport at the highest level—track, swimming, cycling—

And suddenly, a mediocre male athlete wandered in off the street and competed against you and buried you—

And you tried to protest to your coach, your school, your league, to no avail—

How would you feel?

ESPN, the leading sports network in the country, owned by Disney, doesn’t want to air even the nub of a debate about this issue.

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