Sound of Freedom: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

The mainstream media (MSM) is freaking out over the movie Sound of Freedom. It’s popular. It’s a box office hit. People are seeing it and people are talking about it. Yikes! They really don’t know what to do, so they’ve resorted to lowbrow attempts to decry anyone who dares see the film as an old, cranky Q Anon conspiracy theorist.

I’m sorry, I am having a tad bit of trouble following how the MSM is linking this movie to Q Anons. So is Tim Ballard for that matter. I definitely know that child trafficking is not a conspiracy theory. These feeble attempts to keep people from the theaters will propel more of us deplorables to go see the movie. To use a familiar Q Anon phrase: nothing can stop what is coming.


I think the MSM is scared. I mean, really scared. And the people they work for are terrified. Sound of Freedom outperformed both Indiana Jones and The Flash movie on July 4, so that’s saying something. Actually, that’s saying a lot. I bet the MSM never expected this. You know, it kind of reminds you of a theater insurrection, doesn’t it?

Look at the screaming talking heads in the MSM! They are apoplectic!

They’re Out of Their Minds

Rolling Stone Magazine wrote this doozie: ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms. This immediately prompted me to ask Dr. T, “What is a brainworm?” I think the writer at Rolling Stone has ‘brainworms’. He started the article (if you can even call it that) basically saying that Sound of Freedom is not based on a true story (but offered no proof), compared the movie to Fargo (which I completely don’t understand), and described star Jim Caviezel as “the person best known for being tortured to death in Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ. The “person being tortured to death” is mostly known by his familiar name of Jesus, and the author lost all credibility with this one line. You’re truly an idiot.

By the way, a brainworm is a parasite common to white-tail deer. It causes damage to the central nervous system, thus the name ‘brainworm’. It is also a term used for “stuck song syndrome” meaning a memorable piece of music that stays in your head. That’s what is happening with Sound of Freedom; the horrifying realities of the movie are leaving audiences in stunned silence long after the film credits roll. So you are correct, idiot Rolling Stone writer, the movie is for dads with ‘brainworms’, and believe me, they’re not going to let pedophiles come after their kids any longer.

The Guardian described Sound of Freedom as the “paranoid new movie turning into a surprise box-office hit.” Sorry, why is it paranoid? Is Tim Ballard fabricating child trafficking in his mind? The first sentence of this article rivals the Rolling Stone writer: “Type the words sound of freedom into Twitter (decent people who wish to live good, happy lives should under no circumstances actually do this)…” Wow, is this a threat? Is he saying social media will censor and otherwise make conservative lives difficult for exercising freedom of speech? Say it isn’t so! You too are an idiot, Guardian writer!

Not to be outdone, the Washington Post also had to chime in on the Q Anon connection to the movie. This is not Caviezel’s first rodeo. He is a man of conviction and a man of God and he is continuing to speak out about trafficking, come what may. They’ve been trying to release the movie for over three years. Don’t we think they expected a bit of push back?

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