Republicans Need To Grow a Spine & Demand Impeachment!


by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

An article in the Washington Examiner was published today that covered one of my favorite topics, the complete lack of testicular fortitude of the Senate Republicans, who generally, with a few exceptions, are absolute trash. Headline, “Senate Republicans pour cold water on McCarthy’s Biden impeachment suggestion. Well, why wouldn’t they? Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney love Joe Biden; they don’t want Donald Trump, and an impeachment might interfere with their ability to get rid of Trump. They will do anything they can to destroy Trump, and that’s what they are trying to do.


“Senate Republicans did not react enthusiastically to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) expressing a willingness to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.”

Who cares what ED Leader McConnell does? The only time he takes his Viagra is when it’s for Ukraine or corrupt spending.

“The House speaker initially said in a Monday evening Fox News appearance that information House committees uncovered through their Biden family investigations “is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry.” Clarifying himself to reporters on Tuesday morning, McCarthy said that while the inquiries had yet to prove the most serious allegations against the president, an impeachment inquiry would provide investigators with the tools to get answers.”

Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney don’t want answers; they want to ensure that we have another Democrat president or at least a non-Donald Trump president that will act like a Democrat. These people are the most spineless and horrible human beings on the planet, and why are they part of the Republican Party?

“How do you get to the bottom of the truth? The only way Congress can do that is go to an impeachment inquiry,” he told reporters, adding at another point that, “As more of this continues to unravel, it rises to the level of an impeachment inquiry.”

McCarthy is right. I get many people on social media commenting on how McCarthy is a sell-out, and I am not sold on him; he’s not going as hard as we need him to. That said, I’m also not sold on him being a sell-out. Matt Gaetz was very smart when he ensured they had the ability to throw him out; they ensured that he wouldn’t completely go off the reservation. With that in mind, McCarthy did right here, and let’s give him credit. Now what we need him to do is follow through on it. It doesn’t matter what the Senate says, the House can have an impeachment inquiry and hearing, and it doesn’t matter what ED leader McConnell wants to do.

“Despite the walk-back, a number of Senate Republicans expressed weariness at the idea of a third presidential impeachment in under four years.”

Are you kidding me? What credible impeachment and true inquiry has been made against Biden? We don’t want hearings; we want action. For whatever reason, we aren’t making it clear to these guys. We have more than enough evidence to file articles of impeachment. This is cowardice on one of the most profound levels I’ve ever seen. Joe Biden was bribed for millions of dollars; we have audio tapes, we have pictures, we have testimony, what more do you want? Bill Clinton was impeached over a stain on a dress. How much evidence do they need? This is an abhorrent situation; the Republicans in the Senate are so controlled by their snake leader it’s mind-blowing.

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