from State Of The Nation:

No other major MSM organ of Climate Change propaganda and prevarication does it like the ever-misleading BBC, as follows:

Just as the Covid Plandemic officially began in January of 2020, the Spring/Summer of 2023 will long be remembered as the time when the geoengineered Global Warming crisis really began in earnest.

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When geoengineered Global Warming
became the 800-pound gorilla
in everyone’s living room

State of the Nation
Just as the Covid Plandemic officially began in January of 2020, the Spring/Summer of 2023 will long be remembered as the time when the geoengineered Global Warming crisis really began in earnest.
Yes, the New World Order globalist cabal has been running the CO2-driven Climate Change hoax for decades now, but 2023 is the year when they pushed it out onto the worldwide stage for every human being to either witness from afar or experience directly.

Now that the NWO perps have milked the COVID-19 bioweapons to death and are now under serious scrutiny for that full-scale biowar against humanity, they are compelled to trot out their next dog and pony show for maximum distraction.  However, make no mistake, the entirely manmade climate boogeyman is the next international crisis which is necessary for the full implementation of their totalitarian Great Reset.

Just to be clear, as the Covid Plandemic was used to roll-out several global initiatives which are essential to the Great Reset, the manmade Climate Change hoax is even more vital to that rapidly evolving scheme to establish a tyrannical One World Government.

In the absence of a World War III, The Powers That Be know that they must have a monstrous enemy identified which all of humanity can be rallied against.  They have long planned that big and bad common enemy to be the weather, and especially the new cataclysmic climate patterns which they are geoengineering every day of the week.

However, because of the huge raising of awareness around such ongoing attacks as chemical engineering, HARRP frequencies disseminated through chemtrail-fabricated chemclouds and other weather modification techniques, folks are waking up everywhere.  In fact, there is now a critical mass of awakened consciousness regarding the issue of chemtrails and the way much of the climate has been methodically manipulated to produce so many catastrophic outcomes.

Solar System realities

Before we do this deep dive, it’s of paramount importance for every person on the planet to understand that the following true status of the Solar System as well as planet Earth.

It has been scientifically proven that the entire Solar System has been undergoing a major transformation as evidenced by the major changes observed on each planet and their moons.  This meteoric flux is not only unparalleled in recorded history, it is intensifying by the year.  The following video well explains this phenomenon which is, quite predictably, seen less on Earth than any other planet.  Nevertheless, our blue orb is also going through its fair share of HUGE planet-altering events which can no longer be ignored.  As follows:

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