Media Firestorm Ensues After It’s Suggested The French Constitution Be Changed As To Allow Emmanuel Macron To Have A Third Term As Ruler


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The former president of the French National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, said he would be in favour of a third term for the current president Emmanuel Macron, causing a media firestorm.

With the passing of time, slow at first but now with urgency, the man who would rule France and all Europe like the god Jupiter digs his heels deeper and deeper into the end times landscape. That man is Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron, and his end times vision of himself flying over his subjects on the back of a white horse as he reigns in majesty gets closer and closer to reality. Third term? Well, God does like to do things in 3’s.


Everyone gets excited when they see someone like King Charles calling for ‘trillions’ to be given to an unnamed man who will fight Climate Change through a military-style takeover, but his majesty Chuckie Cheese is not the Antichrist. But what I can see is those trillions being put in the hands of Emmanuel Macron right after the Pretrib Rapture of the Church takes place. Will Emmanuel Macron get a third term? Yes, he likely will, and a whole lot more than that.

Emmanuel Macron Tempted By a Third Term as President?

FROM THE EUROPEAN CONSERVATIVE: Richard Ferrand, who served as president of the National Assembly from 2018 to 2022, and who now has executive responsibilities on the Renaissance Party board, gave a lengthy interview to Le Figaro on Sunday, June 18th. Posing with a serious air in front of magnificent shelves full of precious old books—in reality, a simple wallpaper using a photo from an image bank—the former referee of the deputies gives his vision for and thoughts about the current state of French political life. This interview is his first time speaking to the media since his defeat in the legislative elections in the spring of 2022.

In the guise of a wise man who has returned from battle, he paints an extremely glowing portrait of the actions of Emmanuel Macron and his camp and hails the “modernisation drive” coming from above. He castigates the ineffectiveness of oppositions and advocates a kind of post-political world, where ideological differences should give way to a ‘sacred union’ made indispensable by the country’s need to reform itself.

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