Lancet Pulled Study on Autopsies Confirming 74% Of Deaths Caused by COVID Vaccines


by Dr. Paul Alexander, America Outloud:

A study published in the Lancet on autopsies after the COVID vaccine showed that 74% of deaths were caused by the COVID vaccine, e.g., mRNA technology gene injection vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna). After getting it published, LANCET pulled it? Why?

Why did LANCET censor our study after publishing? Is the Lancet Journal now dead on arrival (DOA)? It was a review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccine. The study found that 74% were due to the COVID vaccine. LANCET pulled it in 24 hours. Did the vaccine makers threaten LANCET? Why would LANCET pull this study?


Mitochondrial damage from spike protein, either from virus infection spike or mRNA technology COVID vaccine induced spike (Clough)? Yes! Does spike possibly damage the electron transport chain (ETC)? Yes! Pfizer & Moderna mRNA technology gene injections remain catastrophic with long-COVID symptoms for many & they want the spike out of them; they seek relief; TWC’s mito formula may help!

Clough et al. showed mitochondria dysfunction & damage with neuropathology from the spike protein, virus or vaccine-induced: ‘results show that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein increases the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and ROS production, increases apoptosis and increases the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in microglial cells. Increases in OCR are indicative of increased ROS production and oxidative stress suggesting that SARS-C0V-2 induced cell death.’ Via the lethal toxic spike protein from virus or vaccine.

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