Hungarian Expert: Migration is the Principal Factor Behind Nationwide Rioting in France


by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

According to Viktor Marsai, an expert at the Hungarian Migration Research Institute, mass migration into France is causing the country’s widespread riots.

On M1 News, Marsai said the following:

In France, in recent decades, there have been several street riots like the current one, mostly involving young people from immigrant backgrounds who are not integrated into society, do not go to school, have no job, and seek their rights via street demonstrations.

He stressed that integrating second- and third-generation immigrants is also a tall order. Moreover, he believes that recently arriving migrants pose an even greater challenge. Per Marsai, the constant rioting taking place on French streets demonstrates the multitude of problems associated with mass migration.


When he was asked about what the EU Commission’s proposed mandatory migrant quota would entail, the expert remarked: “If the plan is implemented, the number of refugee applications and procedures at the EU’s external borders will increase sharply.”

In 2022, there were over 250,000 illegal entry attempts at Hungary’s southern border. Marsai said that EU member states are not capable of processing this many asylum applications.

The rioting in France kicked off after a police officer shot and killed a 17-year-old criminal of Algerian extraction on June 27, 2023 for not cooperating with law enforcement at a traffic stop and speeding away in his vehicle. Per reports from the French Interior Ministry, on June 30 alone, rioters attacked police stations and gendarmerie barracks on multiple occasions, which left 79 police officers and gendarmes wounded. The rioters also set ablaze and vandalized roughly 1,350 vehicles and 266 buildings, which includes 26 town halls and 24 schools.

Indeed, mass migration is taking its toll on France. There are massive costs associated with multiple decades of mass migration from countries with cultures totally alien from France.

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