How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility?


from MidWestern Doctor:

When I started this Substack, my goal was to draw attention to the things with the vaccines I felt would create significant problems in the future if something was not done about them. One of the initial topics I decided to cover (on April 2nd 2022) was the history of elitist population control initiatives because I saw a lot of different signs that reduced fertility could become a key issue with the spike protein vaccines.


Since that time, more and more signs have emerged that this is a huge problem. For example, vaccine bio-distribution data showed the COVID-19 vaccines concentrate in the ovaries (which should have been a red flag to drug regulators), menstrual abnormalities have gradually been acknowledged as the most common vaccine side effect (affecting around half of female vaccine recipients), and a variety of different databases have shown increased miscarriage rates in the vaccinated.

There have also been lots of anecdotal reports of the fertility issues (e.g., this onethese ones). Likewise, James Thorpe MD, a reproductive specialist has tried to sound the alarm on the vaccine fertility issue (e.g., he’s published papers and done numerous national television interviews on subject), but unfortunately, his message has been largely ignored.
Note: instead of listening to Thorpe’s concerns, his hospital recently fired him under very questionable circumstances and he is presently engaged in litigation against his former employer.

Most alarmingly, national statistics have shown an 8-15% decline in the birth rate since the vaccines came out. Igor Chudov has done a great job of compiling this data, one researcher showed vaccination rates directly correlated to miscarriage and stillbirth rates, and a much longer compilation of the evidence can be found here). These are absolutely massive changes that could not have occurred by chance.

Finally, since the vaccine came out, rheumatologist colleagues have been contacting me about the unprecedented spike in anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) they’ve seen (e.g., many of their patients tested negative for APS before vaccination and positive afterwards). Presently, they’ve found 30-40% who received two vaccines were lightly positive for APS and 1.5-2% were strongly positive (per the AVISE test, one the most accurate and affordable ways to test for APS).

Note: There is also data showing a massive increase in APS occurs in severely ill patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 earlier in the pandemic. One of the great tragedies with the vaccines has been the choice to use the highly thrombogenic (clot-forming) spike protein from the original COVID-19 virus, especially since is now extinct (the current variants are nowhere near as thrombogenic). In otherwords, we are using a highly thrombogenic vaccine to vaccinate against something that no longer exists.

Anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) is a rare condition that typically between 0.0487%-0.0649% of people develop each year. Despite being rare, APS dramatically increases one’s likelihood of severe blood clots, infertility or stillbirths (e.g., by impairing the blood supply to the placenta) or death, and is thus a top cause of many circulatory conditions (e.g., 50% of blood clots in those under 50 are attributed to it). I mention all of this because APS is often tested for in pregnant mothers to determine the risk of their pregnancy.

In short, a year ago, bringing up the idea that the vaccines could cause an unprecedented decrease in the population was immensely controversial and understandably, even in this movement, very few people wanted to touch it. However, now that so much evidence of this problem has emerged, many now are (e.g., Arkmedic wrote one of the best pieces I’ve seen on the link between the vaccines and miscarriages).

Because of the highly controversial and speculative nature of many of the depopulation claims, at the time I initially wrote about them, I felt it was important to focus on the concrete details which could be proven. Recently Gavin DeBecker (a relatively unknown figure who has done an incredible amount of work to help this movement) compiled a large pool of evidence corroborating the ideas put forth below. What follows is the original article along with DeBecker’s contribution.

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