Google Is Testing An AI Tool Named ‘Genesis’ That Will Create News Stories Using Artificial Intelligence And Be Disseminated Through The Legacy Media


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Google is testing an AI tool named ‘Genesis’ that uses artificial intelligence technology to produce news stories, pitching it to news organizations including The New York Times, The Washington Post and News Corp.

Of course, the old joke about the legacy news media has long been that the stories are written with artificial intelligence because it’s not real news, going all the way back to the original fake news known as ‘Yellow Journalism’. But all that is about to change. The global dominators at Google are working on a new project, codenamed ‘Genesis’, that will use AI technology like ChatGPT to write news stories and articles for all the main fake news merchants. And the fact they’ve named it ‘Genesis’? Don’t get me started.


Here’s a question for you. What do you get when you take self-driving vehicles, AI, 15-minute cities, a global vaccine agenda and add them all together? You get Agenda 2030. What happens to all the people? As Yuval Noah Harari has stated, the ‘useless people’ are going to have to ‘go away’. Shocked? Surprised? You needn’t be, population reduction has long been the goal of eugenicists like Bill Gates, and stated boldly in open areas like where the Georgia Guidestones used to be. I say ‘used to be’ because someone blew them up back in 2022. The first ‘commandment’ of the Guidestones was ‘Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.’ That’s where all this is headed.

Google Tests AI Tool Named ‘Genesis’ That Is Able to Write News Articles

FROM DNYUZ: The tool, known internally by the working title Genesis, can take in information — details of current events, for example — and generate news copy, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the product. One of the three people familiar with the product said that Google believed it could serve as a kind of personal assistant for journalists, automating some tasks to free up time for others, and that the company saw it as responsible technology that could help steer the publishing industry away from the pitfalls of generative A.I.

Some executives who saw Google’s pitch described it as unsettling, asking not to be identified discussing a confidential matter. Two people said it seemed to take for granted the effort that went into producing accurate and artful news stories. A Google spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Times and The Post declined to comment.

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