French Media Reports Vigilante Gang Zip-Tying Rioters And Handing Them to Police


by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart:

The existence of a masked gang of young men tying up rioters in one town is discussed in French language publications, but the mayor insists no such thing exists and tells locals to call the police if they witness unrest.

Witness accounts of a so-called “brigade anticasseur” (anti-thug brigade) in the port town of Lorlent, Brittany are reported by local newspaper Le Télégramme. In addition to what is reported by members of the public to the paper, a journalist for the publication claims to have seen a group of between 20 and 30 “young, hooded men” wearing balaclavas and gloves performing unofficial arrests.


Using zip-ties to restrain alleged rioters, the men are said to have then handed their captures onto the regular police on Friday night as well as having been seen putting out fires. Described as strongly physically built, fast-moving, and proceeding in a tightly-packed group, a report in Ouest France says one member of the group told a journalist that he couldn’t reveal their identities but that “we are on the good side” and that the group was a spontaneous meeting of friends to protect the city-centre.

The paper claims to have witnessed the group arresting a rioter thought to have vandalised a local business, restraining the individual with “visibly well-honed technique”, as well as punching a rioter in the face. While police officers on the scene talking to the paper say they don’t know who the group are, they are welcoming of the help.

One officer is reported to have said to Le Télégramme: “We let it happen at the start of the evening, because it relieved us”.

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