COVID Vaccine Advocate and Popular Mexican TV Doctor Dies of Alleged COVID-Related Heart Attack


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A popular TV doctor who is part of the “HOY” program, a Mexican morning television show, and COVID vaccine advocate reportedly died of a heart attack early morning on June 26.

Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno, 42, a vaccine expert, epidemiologist, and former candidate mayor of Puebla, Mexico died suddenly allegedly due to the “consequences of COVID-19,” Governor Sergio Salomón Céspedes Peregrina confirmed during a press conference.


The governor stated that the medical doctor died of “natural causes” but did not provide further details.

“A restrained, responsible man, who together with the entire Health Sector, from different fronts, helped save many lives,” Peregrina said.

In addition to being a medical specialist in epidemiology, he formerly held positions as a director for the Red Cross and as an adviser for the Ministry of Health.

Visibly shocked, Raúl Araiza, co-host of HOY program, announced the untimely passing of Dr. Moreno on the show while pointing out that he died of natural causes.

“Well, we want to inform you that… obviously it shocks us all as a team because you are creating bonds and affection… our very highly esteemed collaborator, Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno, died of natural causes, it seems…”.

Later, it was revealed that Moreno died of a heart attack, according to a report from Sdpnoticias.

Earlier this year, the doctor revealed on his TikTok that he was hospitalized due to atrial fibrillation – a form of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, in which the atria (the two small upper chambers of the heart) quiver instead of beating effectively.

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