COVID Origins: Connect the Dots


by Kevin Barrett, The Unz Review:

From the explosive COVID Origins congressional hearings, to the US government’s claim that Russian agents defecate in American officials’s luggagethis week’s False Flag Weekly News covered the proverbial waterfront.

We started with the COVID panel, not the Russian turds, for obvious reasons. The fact that COVID is an engineered bioweapon, not a naturally-occurring virus, is arguably more important than tales of Russian agents dropping dirty bombs in their American counterparts’ suitcases. To put it bluntly, the March 2020 conspiracy to hoodwink the world by elevating the natural origin theory to the status of religious dogma, while silencing those who sought and spoke the truth, constitutes obstruction of justice in the first degree. (Obstruction of justice isn’t normally a hanging matter, but this case, involving as it does the murder of tens of millions of people, is arguably an exception.)


Some Historical Background

For those who came in late, I have been covering the truth about COVID from the early days of the scamdemic.

On February 9, 2020, Jeff Brown and I discussed the likelihood that COVID-19 emerged from a US bio-attack on China. On March 16, 2020, Peter Myers joined me to discuss the evidence that COVID-19 was made in a lab. On March 27, 2020, three leading 9/11 experts and Dr. E. Michael Jones discussed COVID as another 9/11 on my show. Even more importantly, Dr. Meryl Nass joined me on April 8, 2020 to expose the criminal coverup of COVID’s lab origins that the US House of Representatives just re-exposed this week, more than three years later.

Dr. Nass also participated in the COVID origins webinar I hosted in May, 2020, featuring international law professor Francis Boyle and Run Unz, editor of the Unz Review. By that time, Ron Unz had begun publishing the material that he later compiled into the book Our COVID-19 Catastrophe: Was the Epidemic the Result of Biowarfare Blowback? Unz’s book brilliantly and convincingly develops the argument that I had begun framing, albeit less thoroughly and elegantly, back in early February, 2020: COVID-19 emerged from a US bio-attack targeting China’s economy and Iran’s ruling elites.

Oddly, the Atlantic Council, representing the hawkish wing of the US Deep State, subsequently chose to honor me, rather than Ron Unz, as one of the world’s top eight “superspreaders of COVID-19 conspiracy theories.” I wasn’t trying to steal Unz’s thunder. On the contrary, I strongly urged the AP journalist who interviewed me for the story, David Klepper, to contact Unz, the leading expert on the bio-attack hypothesis. Klepper ignored my advice and published a typical Deep State sponsored hit piece.

US House Panel Catches Up With Meryl Nass

Last week, the House Covid Panel finally caught up with Meryl Nass. The Panel grilled several authors of the seminal Nature Medicine article that enshrined the natural origin narrative while smearing the lab origin hypothesis as a dangerous conspiracy theory. At the end of January 2020, those virologists had been frantically exchanging emails demonstrating their essentially unanimous view that COVID appeared to have been cooked up in a lab. Then, just three days later, after a long conference call with Fauci, they all simultaneously embraced the “natural origin or else” party line that shut down mainstream discussion of COVID origin truth.

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