“Cell Towers, Antennas, and 5G Emit Radiation Like Bananas?” It’s Time to Stop Consulting the Industry


by Patricia Burke, Activist Post:

Researcher Alan Brandt chronicled the denial that prevailed, for decades, about smoking and health harm in his book The Cigarette Century.

The article, “Smart Meters and Wireless vs. Energy Intelligence: It’s Time to Stop Consulting Drs. Who Smoke” referenced doctors who smoked, and failed to accurately advise their patients, in part, because they themselves were not willing to change their beliefs in the face of emerging evidence of harm. Many were addicted.

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We are repeating history again with another industry-led wave of subterfuge, manipulation, and addiction – from the wireless industry and its partners.

The late author M. Scott Peck defined mental health as “the ongoing process of dedication to reality, at all costs.”

Who among humanity is dedicated to “reality at all costs” regarding wireless technologies?

Let’s not look to the industry for clarity, especially when the industry and its partners have dismissed health and safety concerns, for example, by likening the emissions from 5G, cell towers, and cell phones to bananas.

The 2020 article, “What Is the Environmental Impact of 5G?” is by Marlese Lessing, writing for SDxCentral.  “SDxCentral is the only B2B media company that delivers a 360-degree view of today’s tech landscape to facilitate digital transformation in all industries.”

SDxCentral“Theories, Hoaxes, and Controversies”

The article notes that “The environmental impact of 5G is still being studied by biologists and environmental scientists. While there have been several theories, hoaxes, and controversies, it is still unclear if there is a long-term environmental impact of 5G deployment. Concerns about 5G center around the effect that the higher network frequency will have on humans and animals, and how much energy it will consume.” (hyperlinks intact from original article)

SDxCentral“No Conclusive Evidence Has Been Found Thus Far Of A Major Impact On Human Health” (is false)

“[] to date, no conclusive evidence has been found thus far of a major impact on human health because of high frequencies from 5G and 5G infrastructure. 

This is, in part, because no research was conducted, as noted in this congressional hearing.

These 4 studies co-authored by Dr. Lennart Hardell showed the development of microwave sickness in people after 4G or 5G small cell towers were installed in close proximity to their work or homes

Now another new study by Dr. Hardell and Mona Nillson has been published  Case Report: A 52-Year Healthy Woman Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome Shortly After Installation of A 5G Base Station Close to Her Apartment , where a 52-year old healthy woman developed microwave sickness in November 2022, 1 month after a 5G base station was installed in October 2022 within 60 feet of her home, with symptoms of  headache, dizziness and balance problems, concentration problems, loss of immediate memory, confusion, fatigue, anxiety, cough, nosebleeds; symptoms from lungs, stomach, urinary system, and the skin. Interestingly, one month later after moving to another apartment with no 5G in December 2022, all symptoms disappeared except for minor problems with dizziness and tiredness both with grade 2 (see Table 1). However, after returning to her apartment in January 2023, the symptoms reappeared and worsened, and she gained additional symptoms of suicide ideation and a slowed pulse, which she didn’t have before.  Measurements showed her peak exposures from the 5G cell towers at 758,000 uW/m2 (=75.8 uW/cm2)

 SDxCentral“5G Is Not Radioactive”

In debunking and subtlety ridiculing concerns, the article offers several talking points including “5G Is Not Radioactive”, “Japan Did Not Halt 5G Deployment Due to Health Concerns”, and “5G Did Not Cause A Mass Bird Die-off” while not offering any evidence of any actual environmental, health and safety research.

Implying that informed consumers are concerned about 5G because they mistakenly believe that it is radioactive, and that there is a lack of recognition of the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, is an inaccurate and prejudicial portrayal of the level of knowledge and discernment of the community and the reader. 5G/EMF/RF concerned individuals are far more accurately informed than the caricatures painted via intentional misrepresentation.

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