Biden Regime Is Spreading Tuberculosis Throughout USA


from Moonbattery:

Conditions created by Covid hysteria helped Biden’s handlers seize power. So naturally Democrats see potentially lethal disease as a good thing. Happily for them, they are in a position to spread it via illegal alien children:

Nearly 2,500 children with latent [tuberculosis] infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children. …

HHS releases infected children to sponsors and notifies local health authorities in the hope that they can arrange for treatment before the latent infection becomes active.



Local health officials say the notifications are infrequent and the child has often already arrived when they are told about a case in their jurisdiction.

“We do not know how often the sponsors follow through on treatment,” the Virginia Department of Health told The Washington Times in a statement. “By the time outreach takes place, the child has sometimes moved to another area or state.”

But even if unaccompanied alien children don’t receive treatment for the TB they have been spreading,

UACs do get routine dental care and reproductive care, including pregnancy tests, and are given information about emergency contraceptives. The government will also facilitate abortions, including making “all reasonable efforts to secure a legal abortion” for girls in states where the procedure is restricted.

Governance is all about priorities.

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