Biden Blows Up


by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

So much for the claims of the “sweetheart” deal…..

It appears that Hunter’s counsel tried to pull a fast one — twice.  First, yesterday the Clerk of the Court claims that Hunter’s counsel attempted to get a filing pulled through misrepresenting that they were the counsel of the people who filed it.  They now claim that was a “misunderstanding” but it got the judge royally pissed off, and with good reason.  The filing in question came as an Amicus from Congress, so there is likely some further inquiry headed in the direction of said “counsel” from that general direction as well.


But then today the hearing fell apart.  It appears that Hunter’s counsel tried to get on the record that the “scope” of the deal was that this was basically over for Hunter.  The DOJ was having nothing to do with that and stated that the investigation is not closed but refused to specify what other areas of concern and potential charges might be out there including possible FARA violations, which can be (if willful, and this quite clearly would be) serious stuff — a 5 year felony, to be specific.

This is twice in two days that game-playing appears to have come from the Hunter Biden side by way of counsel.  Had this managed to past the judge Hunter could have made a very clear argument that he was effective immune from anything related to the funds in question which might actually have precluded him from being prosecuted for funneling bribes, if in fact that can be proved.

Well, not so fast now — the hearing was gaveled out without a conclusion with the judge wisely telling the two sides to cut that crap out.

As the worm turns…….

Update 13:30: Conflicting statements that only the two tax and one firearms charges are involved and no other immunity comes from this, and that it has not been accepted at all and he pled not guilty.  We shall see.

Update #2: Terms of release are now public too.  I recommend every paparazzi find a way to keep a lens on this guy; one sip of beer or one rip off a bong and he can go straight to prison and have his bond revoked.

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