Allowing The Criminals To Run Wild In The Streets Of Our Major Cities Is Only Going To Make Things Worse…


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

The chaos that we are witnessing in our streets is the direct consequence of the incredibly bad decisions that our leaders have been making for decades.  Traditional morality has been banished from our public schools, gang members and drug dealers are constantly pouring across our wide open borders, and in many of our largest cities hardened criminals are let back out into the streets time and time again.  As a result, property crime is out of control, violent crime has risen to very frightening levels, we are in the midst of the worst drug crisis in the history of our country, and sexual predators are seemingly everywhere.  I wish that I could call what we are experiencing a “crime wave”, but I can’t because a “crime wave” is just temporary.  Sadly, what we are enduring appears to be due to a permanent shift in our culture, and I believe that conditions are only going to get worse during the years ahead.


Los Angeles County recently reinstated their zero bail policy, and local residents are fearing the worst.

If you can believe it, even rapper 50 Cent is horrified.  In an ominous Instagram post, he boldly declared that Los Angeles “is finished”

Rapper Curtis Jackson, also known as 50 Cent, addressed Los Angeles’ crime crisis last week in response to the recent reinstatement of the zero bail policy.

Jackson shared a FOX 11 Los Angeles segment about the zero bail policy on Instagram Reels Thursday. The policy, which was adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic in an attempt to reduce crowding in prisons, drops bail to as low as $0 for suspects accused of misdemeanors and non-violent felonies.

“LA is finished watch how bad it gets out there.SMH [shaking my head]” the “Candy Shop” rapper wrote on Instagram.

Sadly, 50 Cent is right on target.

Crime in the L.A. area is already wildly out of control, and now this zero bail policy is going to make it even worse.

In addition, we are being told that police in Los Angeles County will no longer “detain people for crimes such as theft, shoplifting, drug use, vandalism, battery, and a whole host of other non-serious, nonviolent crimes”…

Los Angeles County Deputy DA John McKinney can be heard in the shared report noting that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will no longer “detain people for crimes such as theft, shoplifting, drug use, vandalism, battery, and a whole host of other non-serious, nonviolent crimes that affect the quality of life for people here in Los Angeles.”


So let me get this straight.

They are no longer going to detain criminals if they steal things, use illegal drugs, smash windows or beat people up?

I suppose that is one way to get the crime rate to go down.

But will letting criminals run wild in the streets really improve things?

Of course not.

Just ask the citizens of Chicago.

Years of “soft on crime” policies have only empowered the criminals.

At this point, things are so bad that gangs of thieves drive around the city in broad daylight looking for potential targets to rob.  When they find a promising target, they jump out of their vehicles with their guns drawn

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