by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

As you can tell, we are focused on what may (or may not be) happening in Russia right now, and every propaganda outlet from RT to Faux News and the BBC seems to be weighing in on it. I’ll do my best to try and stay abreast of developments and to keep people informed, but please also remember my ability to do so is somewhat curtailed as I am also trying to restore normalcy after last week’s disastrous storm (I’ve yet to get the tree and refrigerator problems addressed).


In the midst of all the chaos being caused by the Wagner-Prigozhin attemped coup in Russia, there is a very odd story that  appeared on RT and that was spotted and shared by S.D., namely, that the Russian government has banned the World Wildlife Fund:

WWF declared ‘undesirable’ in Russia

One would think that in the midst of a war with the Ukraine, and troubles with the Wagner group, that the  Russian government would have more important things to do than ban a wildlife conservation fund.  Yet, I cannot but help think that this is somehow related to the Wagner-Prigozhin coup attempt. Consider what the article says:

Russia’s Prosecutor-General on Wednesday declared the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), also known as the World Wildlife Fund, “undesirable.” Moscow accused the Switzerland-based nonprofit of working on behalf of the US against Russia’s economic and security interests, especially in the Arctic.

The Prosecutor-General’s Office said that the WWF used environmental and educational activities “as a cover for implementing projects that pose security threats in the economic sphere.” 

Specifically, “under the pretext of preserving the environment, the WWF is carrying out activities aimed at preventing the implementation of [Russia’s] policies for the industrial development and exploration of natural resources in the Arctic territories, while developing and legitimizing restrictions that could serve as a basis for transferring the Northern Sea Route into the exclusive economic zone of the US.”

In other words, the environment, or rather, environmental causes have been weaponized to deny Russia the ability to develop its natural resources within the Arctic circle.

But I suspect a much bigger story may be lurking here, and to explain my really off-the-charts-wild-and-extremely-high-octane-speculation, I have to take you back several years to a strange incident called the World Wilderness Congress. This congress came to the attention of an unsuspecting accountant in Colorado who – probably by mistake – received an invitation to the World Wilderness Congress, and he volunteered his help to pull  it off. To his surprise – and he eventually self-produced a videotape of his experience – he was tasked with picking up luminaries at the Denver airport, and driving them to the Congress. What he discovered, however, was that most of the people attending the Congress were the highest of high financiers, people like Canadian plutocrat (and globalooney kook) Maurice Strong, or Baron Rothschild. While attending the Congress’ talks, he learned of a scheme to create a world currency that was to be “backed” by all the undeveloped wilderness land of the world. The logo for the congress in some respects resembles the logo for the World Wildlife Fund.

However, my main point here is the plan for a world currency and for its “backing.” Updated a bit, this episode sounds a great deal like current talk about Central Bank Digital Currencies, and even “bullion-backed” digital currencies. But imagine, for a moment, that the banksters of the West were able to achieve their long-sought goal of breaking up the Russian state, and gaining direct and unfettered access to all of Russia’s natural resources? Much of the West’s current financial difficulties would be resolved (as would, incidentally, much of China’s).

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