What’s Up With the Wildfires?


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Americans are used to hearing about California wildfires every year, like the 2018 Camp Fire, the nation’s deadliest wildfire in 100 years. However, the California wildfires are miniscule compared to the current Canadian wildfires burning out of control. They are the worst fires in Canadian history.

What Caused the Fires: A Reasonable Explanation

On its surface, the mainstream media provides a reasonable explanation for the “worst-ever year of wildfire destruction”, citing warm and dry conditions in Canada. Well, duh! Isn’t it always warm and dry during the summer?

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There are some interesting takeaways on the British Columbia government website. One would think that the fires would be the top news story, but they’re not. Instead, the top stories are about pharmacists now being able to prescribe contraceptives, and British Columbia citizens being invited to help develop anti-racism legislation. The fire stories are further down the page. And a campfire ban was put in place June 8, despite the fact that these fires began in early May. A little slow to the game, eh B.C.?

Certainly, heat and drought are factors. Some places had the driest April ever. Forest mismanagement also contributes to a more severe fire season. Remember when President Trump openly lectured Gavin Newsom about this? Newsom was begging for federal money, and Trump wasn’t sure he was going to give it because Gavin’s forest management was no bueno.

Do you really have to ask what caused the fires? You should know already! It is climate change! But it’s not just regular old climate change, it is man-made climate change. Oh wait, man-made is sexist (and racist). Human-caused climate change. There, that’s better. Because scientists say! Whether these scientists are being handsomely paid to create the climate change narrative (much like they did the COVID narrative) will have to be a topic for a different article. Remember the good old days when this used to be called global warming? That is, until NASA showed that the Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is actually adding ice to the continent. Oops. Change the name. Continue the narrative.

And what causes human-driven climate change? A century of burning of fossil fuels by the evil oil companies, that’s what!. People believe this because prestigious groups like the National Academy of Sciences have “findings” like this. This is an actual sentence: “Temperature, not the availability of trees, is the primary factor limiting the size of fires.” Really? I always thought trees were kinda crucial to a forest fire, but scientists say, so…

They tell us of a grim future in which California’s future fires burn up to 50 percent more land than the fires of today. Is this real science or another fear tactic, which they are ever so good at?

An Alternative Explanation

The reality today is that fires are burning in nearly all (9 out of 13) Canadian provinces. “The distribution of fires from coast to coast this year is unusual,” say officials. Fires usually only occur in western Canada, but the worst area affected is Quebec in eastern Canada, where officials explain that multiple fires were ignited by lightning. More area has burned than usual, too. Way more. Estimates are that 13 times the national average has burned; over the last 20 years, such a large area has never burned so early in the season.

Of the 413 active fires, 249 are said to be burning out of control and may burn all summer. One-third of Canada is forested (900 million acres), and this year, millions of forested acres have been destroyed by these fires. The Donnie Creek Fire in Alberta, Canada is now officially over one million acres burned. And it is all because of climate change. Oh, and lightning. Did you know that climate change increases lightning strikes, even very rare forms of lightning?

Could there be another explanation, like maybe human-caused wildfires? Or we could call it human-caused forest change. Could there be more at play here than an unattended campfire?

In other words, are the fires being intentionally set?

As I looked at articles for research, one article claimed no evidence for the Canadian fires being intentionally set, and it was literally next to an article showing that 11 fires (buildings, not forest) were indeed intentionally set in one day, showing that it is indeed within the realm of possibility.

Residents of Quebec are wondering why all the fires seemed to have started in one day and appear to have gone up in flames at the same time, later confirmed by satellite imagery. People across Canada say the fires came out of nowhere, and farmers saw giant mushroom clouds preceding the fires. Could the “rare forms of lightning” be a possible explanation? Or is Canada a victim of mass arson?

Naturally, the naysayers quickly chalked these questions up to conspiracy theory. I mean, why would anyone want to set a fire to boost a climate change agenda? It has happened in the past, though. A few years ago, a US West Coast wildfire surge was the work of arsonists, including Antifa members, caught on security cameras intentionally setting fire to people’s homes. We have climate groups gluing themselves to buildings and defiling priceless artwork with paint spatter, so is it really a far stretch to think they wouldn’t light a match?

Nope, it is not even possible, officials say. At the same time officials say they are still investigating the Canadian wildfires, the Alberta experts are quick to plant in our minds several likely causes including powerlines, the oil and gas industry, the banks who fund the oil and gas industry, the forest industry, the railroad industry and general causes. Notice that psychotic ecoterrorist groups are not on the list. These groups views climate as a religion and in their zealotry would do ANYTHING because climate is EVERYTHING. It couldn’t be weather modification or geoengineering. It just couldn’t be. And if you think this climate zealotry is not mainstream, look at the image below and think again.

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