WEF Pushes Plan for Humanity to Be ‘Dominated’ by ‘Emotionless’ AI


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

One of the highest-ranking officials in the World Economic Forum (WEF) has laid out the globalist organization’s vision for humanity to be “dominated” by artificial intelligence (AI).

Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and chair Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man, pushed a plan for politicians around the world to be replaced with “non-organic entities” and “emotionless algorithms.”

Speaking during an interview, Harari declared that Earth will become increasingly populated “or even dominated” by entities that are not organic in the coming years.

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He suggested that these entities will have no use for a higher power because they will in effect replace God, in his view.

“They don’t breathe; they don’t have emotions,” Harari said excitedly while explaining why these AI overlords would be Godless.

The potential of AI is much, much bigger than any historical revolution – it’s really a biological revolution,” he went on to state.

While acknowledging that, up until now, all life is organic, Harari insists that AI-driven “inorganic lifeforms” will soon dominate the planet.

“This is at least an idea of inorganic lifeforms.

“That’s the biggest thing that’s happened on Earth in over four billion years.”

Harari is a believer in Darwinian evolution, which he claims occurred through natural selection.

But with AI, there is an “intelligent design” that supersedes what God is able to do, according to Harari.

“Here we have intelligent design – but not the intelligent design of the creation that’s in the Bible, a real intelligent design,” Harari arrogantly declares.

“We are designing the AI, and then the AI will design maybe the next generation of AI, so it’s a completely different kind of process.”

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