We Can Learn A Lesson From Leicester


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

If you think the resistance to the COVID jab mandates is the first real push back on government, think again. It’s not the first rodeo. In fact, people have been pushing back for 150 years.

The time is 19th century Victorian England, and smallpox is ravaging the country since medieval times. The disease became the biggest cause of death in Europe, with 400,000 dead every year. If a person survived, one in three was blinded and all were certainly scarred for life from the “speckled monster.”

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In Gloucestershire in 1798, a doctor named Edward Jenner successfully showed that administration of a very small dose of relatively mild cowpox infection protected humans from smallpox. (By the way, did you know that Jenner tested this on children before publishing his ideas?) The idea spread like wildfire, and Jenner didn’t even have Bill Gates to help! Within five years, the vaccines were being used across Europe, and within 10 years, across the world. However, the first mass vaccination campaign in Italy in 1805 failed miserably.

Was there opposition? Certainly, and it was not that much different from today, actually. People were opposed scientifically, politically and religiously. Some felt that using disease from cows was not Christian. Some believed smallpox was not passed from person to person.

Regardless of the reasons, enough people had enough reasons. They were particularly upset when the vaccines were mandated. Well, to be fair, first they were free, then they were mandated, and then if you didn’t get one, you could be fined and imprisoned. Sound familiar?

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest and people were indeed fined and arrested. Nevertheless, the protests continued. The people carried banners that said “Repeal the Vaccination Acts, the curse of our nation”. They chanted: “Better a felon’s cell than a poisoned babe”. They burned copies of the mandate laws in the streets, and even did mock hangings of effigies of the humble country doctors who the people blamed for implementing the government mandate.

Keep in mind that this took place during the Industrial Revolution, and people were already demanding their rights to job safety and other working-class rights. The people distrusted the upper classes and felt taken advantage of. Sound familiar?

Also keep in mind that Victorian medicine was not the heyday of science. Common causes of illness included wet feet and night air. Cholera was thought to be caused by cold fruits like cucumbers or passionate rage. (Does this mean if you got mad while eating a cucumber salad, you were essentially toast?) Ah, those blasted cucumbers! Things like this are well documented in medical books from 1848. Germ theory didn’t come into being until the 1880s. Life was hard, with a life expectancy a bit above age 40 and with 15 percent of children dying before their first birthday from a whole host of ailments.

City slums were breeding grounds for disease, but vaccinations were brand new and people were skeptical. Doctors couldn’t explain how the jabs worked, you know like today’s “trust the science, we are the science” mantra. Smallpox shots were also administered with live viruses, and were not safe. Doctors were not regulated until 1851 either. With that Molotov cocktail concoction, people indeed became seriously ill and even died after the jabs. The vaccines had no quality control. The cowpox material they produced varied in quality and content (much like Pfizer and Moderna today). The procedures were often boggled, and people ended up with secondary infections like tuberculosis and syphilis. And scientists didn’t know what we know today – that vaccines do not give lifelong immunity.

So for many, it was the last straw when the government was now encroaching into personal health, mandating things that were private and that had never before been governed.

The First Anti-Vaxxers

Vaccination had become more and more intrusive in Victorian England. Vaccine legislation made the jabs free in 1840, but by 1853 they were mandatory for all children before the age of three months. By 1867, all children under age 14 were mandated.

A group in the town of Leicester in the English midlands had had enough, but rather than riot, they took a more civil approach to become the world’s first anti-vaxxers by creating the Leicester Anti-Vaccination League. They reached out to an ever-increasing literate public, with printed pamphlets stating both pros and cons of the jabs. And people talked. A lot.

The league in Leicester pointed to continued outbreaks and the devastating side effects of vaccination, such as cross-infection. All the while, vax supporters touted decreases in death rates and milder smallpox occurrence. Is this eerily familiar or what?

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