VAERS Is Cleverly Hiding 182 Child Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines. You’ll Never Find Them. These Are Some of the Most Shocking COVID-19 Vaccine Child Death Stories But They’re Hidden From Public!


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

There are at least 182 children who died from COVID-19 vaccines hidden in the VAERS database, that don’t show up when you search for child vaccine deaths.

How is VAERS doing this? It’s creative and diabolical:

Some brilliant investigative work was done by TheEagle88 who publishes his work on his substack and who made this shocking discovery (click here).


VAERS is hiding child deaths by leaving the “Age” box empty, even though the age is known. That way, anyone who is searching the VAERS database for child deaths with any age parameters, never finds them.

EXAMPLE 1 (VAERS 1483486) – 13 year old boy died in his sleep 3 days after taking Pfizer mRNA vaccine:

Notice that even though the age is known, the Age box is deliberately left blank. The date of vaccination is also known but was also left blank. This boy died in his sleep 3 days after taking Pfizer vaccine. As a parent, I’d want to know about this.

EXAMPLE 2 (VAERS 1960896) – 17 year old boy committed suicide 2 days after 2nd Pfizer Dose. He got Pfizer vaccine on Oct.26, 2021, felt unwell the next day, and committed suicide during early hours of Oct.28, 2021.

Once again, the age box is left empty, although it is known the boy is 17 years old.

Imagine parents who are concerned whether COVID-19 vaccines will impact the mental health of their children. This tragic case could have affected their decision to vaccinate their child. But this death is hidden, it does not come up in any search.

EXAMPLE 3 (VAERS 1952747) – 12 year old boy had 1st Pfizer dose on Nov.27, 2021. Three days later he was found dead at 1am on Dec.1, 2021 without any prior symptoms of any kind

Once again, age is known but not entered where it should be. This was the saddest line in the report: “patient had been happy and playing computer games online with his friends until he went to bed at 23:00 on 30Nov2021. Found dead at 01 o’clock at night without prior symptoms of any kind”

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