UPDATE: Why the Covid vaccine myocarditis deaths in South Korea matter so much


by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

When I wrote yesterday a Korean study suggested hundreds of healthy young adults had died from myocarditis after mRNA jabs, I didn’t mean to imply those were the ONLY deaths from the shots

I know you’re busy.

So when I cover new research, I try to find the crucial nuggets and highlight them quickly for you. I also try not to oversell what data or studies say.

But in yesterday’s Stack about a crucial new paper on fatal mRNA-driven myocarditis, I may have inadvertently undersold why the study matters so much. I want to fix that.

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Yesterday, I focused on the study’s details. In the paper, researchers in South Korea reported finding 12 mRNA-driven myocarditis deaths in young adults, a figure that translates into up to 500 similar deaths globally.

Those deaths are obviously important.

But an even more vital takeaway from the paper is that doctors aren’t even properly reporting the best-known complication from the mRNA jabs. Not even when it occurs mere days after vaccination. Not even when it kills healthy young adults.

Eight of those 12 fatalities were initially misclassified as sudden cardiac deaths, with no mRNA myocarditis link. They were properly classified only after autopsies performed under a special Korean program.

So physicians can’t even count fatal cases of myocarditis, which has been highlighted as an mRNA complication for two years. How can we trust them to report other potential serious or fatal side effects, ones that occur in older people or haven’t received as much attention or both? How do we know the mRNAs haven’t caused serious damage?

This question is not theoretical.

Countries that used mRNAs are now well into their second year of excess deaths unrelated to Covid. Deaths simply will not return to baseline (much less fall below it, as epidemiologists expected would occur in the aftermath of Covid.) After briefly falling close to normal, deaths in Britain and Australia are rising again.

(The Grim Reaper parties on)


The South Korean study contains yet another hint that physicians aren’t reporting potential mRNA-linked deaths.

The researchers also reported nine cases of post-vaccine myocarditis deaths in adults over 60, who are at much higher risk for cardiac deaths generally than young people. But ALL of those deaths occurred in hospital-diagnosed myocarditis cases. None were found on autopsy – unlike the deaths in people under 45.

The reason is almost certainly NOT that older adults always go to the hospital and never suffer sudden cardiac death from post-vaccine myocarditis. It’s that when people over 60 die suddenly from apparent heart attacks, physicians rarely bother to look for a potential underlying cause. Autopsies, which are expensive and time-consuming, are less likely to be performed. So some deaths in older people simply may not have been linked to the vaccine.

The good news – to the extent any of this is that good news – is that the South Korean report makes clear that vaccine-linked myocarditis has a specific inflammatory signature that physicians can see in both hospitalized patients and autopsies.

Read More @ alexberenson.substack.com