The Vax Coverup Continues


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Independent medical scientists who are not dependent on a Big Pharma salary or research grant, a minority of medical scientists as Big Pharma reportedly is the source of 70% of medical research grants and provides support to friendly medical schools, have provided conclusive evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” is responsible for many deaths and health issues.  The unprecedented phenomenon of vaccinated children dying in their sleep, of athletes and entertainers dropping dead on the field and stage, along with the same happening to people in all ages of life is being dismissed by the medical establishment at work covering up for itself as just a coincidence.  The whore media refuses to report the findings of independent scientists or investigate the large numbers of deaths and health injuries following the Covid mass vaccination.


In the face of the evidence that the “vaccine” is dangerous, Medicare continues to urge vaccination as do pharmacies.  What explains such reckless and irresponsible advice in the face of the evidence?

What explains the appearance of the Covid virus, engineered in labs with NIH grants, practically simultaneously in every country of the world?

What explains the same Covid protocols everywhere except Brazil, India, and Africa–the lockdowns, masks, mass vaccinations, and never-ending production of fear?

What explains the urgency of the mass vaccination campaign in the face of the mounting evidence that the vax was ineffective and dangerous?

Why were Covid “vaccines” and test kits in production prior to the appearance of the virus?

What explains the censorship of medical scientists?  Why were alternative explanations and alternative treatments unwelcome and prohibited?  See for example, “Washington Doctor Under Investigation for Criticizing COVID Policies Wins Emergency Injunction”

What explains the punishments of doctors who saved lives with HCQ and Ivermectin?  Why did doctors lose jobs and licenses for saving lives?

In the face of a virus claimed to be deadly, why were treatments outside the protocol treatment banned as dangerous.  Both HCQ and Ivermectin have safety records stretching back decades, yet were declared too dangerous to be used in emergency situations to treat an allegedly deadly virus. But a dangerous untested “vaccine” was not too dangerous to be used?

Why does the effort continue to censor and suppress the truth and to discredit distinguished scientists who establish the actual facts?

Why did the entire medical systems of the Western World completely fail, and why do they continue to fail, providing no explanation for the rise in excess deaths following vaccination and no help for those injured by the vax?

Why have medical officials and the media lowered an iron curtain between the facts and the people?

These and other questions point to the fact that the “Covid pandemic” and the response to it were orchestrated for a purpose of purposes.  Was it Big Pharma’s profits?  Was it to advance government’s intrusions on civil liberties?  Was it population control?  Was it a mass experiment on the human population with gene-altering mRNA technology? Was it to advance the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”?

Without an honest media and  honest medical societies, we will never find out.  Congress can hold hearings, as Senator Ron Johnson has, but they go unreported by the presstitutes.

It appears that accountability has been blocked.  So expect another pandemic.  Bill Gates, who is suspected of having a heavy hand in devising the “Covid pandemic,” has already promised us another.  How can anyone know of a pandemic in advance?

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