The Lessons Of ‘Woke’


by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

Its simple when you get down to it:  Only two things work; terrorism and concerted and continual pressure.

One is of course rather illegal, but arguing it “doesn’t work” is false.  It most-certainly does work.  Is the TSA gone 20+ years post-9/11 or do we have all the theater when attempting to board an airplane when in fact not one prohibited item was brought on any of those planes that day?  Was the intent of the terrorists to screw up air travel forever and ruin it?  Who knows — but it sure did, and it’s only gotten worse since.

Never mind the various mass-shooters (terrorists by any reasonable definition) who have stated their intent to stoke gun confiscation which nearly-always does indeed lead to attempted gun control lawsSeveral have stated exactly that in their “manifestos.”


I rest my case.

But the other effective means of change is legal concerted and continual pressure.  Musk just found out about this when his so-called “no-censorship of legal speech” platform decided to censor What is a Woman”, a rather interesting film.

Musk attempted a mealy-mouthed half-answer which was not a refutation of the act at all, when you got down to it.

The people were having none of that and in fact upped their protest.

He dropped it and the person allegedly responsible “quit” (who knows if they actually quit or were fired) and then, in an act that actually made amends, he promoted it himself with a tweet.

How about Canada?  Trudeau thought he’d try to extend derivative punishment to those who were sending money to protesting truckers. What he got in response was the start of people pulling their money out of the banks and he quietly dropped it.  In fact that was beginning of the end of the crazy over the virus in Canada.

That’s how you do it folks.

Its the only way “protest” works and that path — ruining someone’s sales or other business prospects by withdrawing your business from them on a mass-basis and over time, not as a one-off but on a long-term or even permanent basis — is both peaceful and legal.

No firm can pander to 0.5% of the population while angering any material percentage of the rest.  Its stupid to do it in the first place but many firms seem to think its not, or they have so-called “big investor groups” that pressure them to do so.  Never mind that such “pressure groups” are arguably committing racketeering; the simple reality is that while some investment group may issue all the demands it wants they don’t buy the products and services so if the customers tell the business to pound sand they have no choice but to cut it out.

The same, by the way, applies to things like mandates.

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