by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

If you’ve been watching the lamestream propatainment media lately, or even Tucker Carlson’s debut on Twitter, you’ll have noticed a distinct “uptick” in the coverage of the latest UFO story, this time sporting be-medaled former military “whistleblowers” posing with their medals and taking about aliens and crash-and-retrieved vehicles and technology.  And if you’re like many regular readers here you may be wondering what I think about all of it. Many of you emailed me privately about it, asking me what I think, so I have decided to depart from my  customary practice today of picking an article or two and commenting about it, because this trend deserves its own analysis and high octane speculation.


In a word – and I think I’m in the company of Dark Journalist and Dr. Michio Kaku here – it’s all theater.

This is not to say it’s a lie, but it is theater, or if I may be even more precise, it’s narrative creation and preparation.

The real question is why. Why, after decades of government denials of UFOs, and even of the crash-and-retrieval scenario so beloved of so many in the Ufology community (think only of the large effort the US Air Force has expended to debunk just the Roswell mythology alone), why after all of this has there been a sudden ratcheting up of the UFO subject in the media? Clearly, someone, somewhere in the bowels of this corrupt and lying government wants a good segment of the population to be thinking about the subject.

Needless to say, I have a few “high octane speculations” about the answer to “why” that I want to share today, but with the caveat that these thoughts are not intended to replace my previous thinking on the subject, but merely revise and extend it.  To state that position once again, I am neither philosophically nor theologically opposed to the existence of other forms of life “out there”. Nor do I dispute the existence of UFOs, whatever they may be. I do think the phenomenon may in fact be several phenomena, and that among these possibilities they may be some unknown form of life, or technology (or perhaps both).  What I have wanted is something more, something material, concrete, some release of data and/or recovered technology that is subject to open and free examination on the part of the public.

What we’ve had, however, is nothing but a few pictures and a succession of stories, and that means that the latest push is nothing but just another UFO conference, to which everyone has been invited and forced to listen to a parade of people telling stories about UFOs and aliens.

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