Study: COVID Lockdown Benefits Dwarfed by Social and Economic Costs


by Ben Bartee, PJ Media:

Add another notch on the win column for lockdown skeptics, once derided as “conspiracy theorists.”

Via The Telegraph:

Lockdown saved as few as 1,700 lives in England and Wales in spring 2020, according to a landmark study which concludes the benefits of the policy were “a drop in the bucket compared to the staggering collateral costs” imposed.

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University and Lund University examined almost 20,000 studies on measures taken to protect populations against Covid across the world.

Their findings suggest that lockdowns in response to the first wave of the pandemic, when compared with less strict policies adopted by the likes of Sweden, prevented as few as 1,700 deaths in England and Wales. In an average week there are around 11,000 deaths in England and Wales.


Sweden, for obscure reasons I won’t elaborate on here, was the lone European Union country to institute a sane lockdown (or, rather, non-lockdown) policy. Funny, isn’t it, that the left, which always refers to Sweden as a liberal utopia in other contexts, never references its successful non-lockdown policy that prioritized prevention strategies for genuinely at-risk groups like the elderly and immunocompromised — like every other public health pandemic protocol in history before COVID?

For what it’s worth, a government commission examining Sweden’s response vindicated it last year.

It’s also worth noting, as The Telegraph does, that Johns Hopkins is perhaps the single most-cited authoritative source that the lockdown left cited during the pandemic to justify their three-pronged forced masking, vaxx mandate, lockdown agenda. Something tells me they won’t be citing this study, though.


The study’s authors conclude: “The science of lockdowns is clear; the data are in: the deaths saved were a drop in the bucket compared to the staggering collateral costs imposed.”

The detrimental impact of lockdown on children’s health and education, on economic growth and its contribution to large increases in public debt has become increasingly clear since the policy was introduced.

Of course, we shouldn’t need studies like this to understand the mental health damage, perhaps irreversible to some extent, that was wrought on the populations of countries where lockdown and masking were enforced.

The text of the study can be seen here, which notes that its “results pale in comparison to the Imperial College of London’s modelling exercises (March 2020), which predicted that lockdowns would save over 400,000 lives in the United Kingdom and over 2 million lives in the United States.”

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