Pharma-Funded Blindness: UK Cardiologist Says Vaccine Harms Wilfully Ignored


by Rebekah Barnett, Umbrella News:

The COVID vaccines should never have been approved, and the rollout should be suspended pending further inquiry, says British cardiologist and public health campaigner, Dr Aseem Malhotra. Touring Australia with the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, Dr Malhotra is calling for honesty, transparency and accountability from the medical profession and drug regulators, to amend what he believes to be, “perhaps the greatest miscarriage of medical science we will witness in our lifetime.”


Dr Malhotra was one of the first Britons to receive two doses of the Pfizer COVID vaccine, in January 2021. “I thought I was going to protect my patients,” he told Umbrella News while in Australia this month. He now realises this was “wishful thinking.”

Like many doctors, Dr Malhotra considers traditional vaccination to be one of the safest medical interventions in the history of medicine, and it was with this mindset that he approached the COVID vaccine rollout. “I had always put vaccines in a very special category as being untouchable,” says Dr Malhotra, joking that he’s had so many vaccines that he has scars on his left arm from the needles.

As a public health campaigner of over a decade, Dr Malhotra appeared on Good Morning Britain early in the rollout to address COVID vaccine hesitancy in high-risk groups from ethnic minority backgrounds. In the segment, Dr Malhotra acknowledged valid concerns that people might have, such as the pharmaceutical industry’s history of fraud, and the fact that prescribed medications are a leading cause of death in the West. Nevertheless, he believed that for high-risk groups, these vaccines were safe and effective.

Several months later, an unfortunate event prompted Dr Malhotra to review the evidence of COVID vaccine safety and efficacy himself. What he discovered triggered a profound reversal of his position on the COVID vaccines.

In July of 2021, Dr Malhotra’s 73-year-old father, Dr Kailash Chand OBE, suffered a cardiac arrest and died. Like his son, Dr Chand was a fit and active doctor, and he had taken two doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine six months prior. A post-mortem showed that two of his arteries had major blockages. Dr Malhotra knew his father’s cardiac history intimately and could find no plausible explanation for his sudden death (Dr Chand had not had Covid).

“I automatically thought ‘this is very bizarre, something has happened to cause a rapid increase in blockages in his arteries’,” says Dr Malhotra. It wasn’t until the end of 2021 that Dr Malhotra came across a peer-reviewed publication in the journal Circulation, which revealed a plausible explanation for his father’s death. Namely, the association of the mRNA COVID vaccines with increased inflammatory markers and increased risk of coronary events.

From there, Dr Malhotra spent nine months critically appraising the data on the mRNA vaccines, before publishing two peer-reviewed papers in the Journal of Insulin Resistance*, in September of 2022. Dr Malhotra concluded that the vaccines were doing more harm than good, and that persistent and widespread misinformation about the risks and benefits of the products, even in medical professional circles, was undermining the legal and ethical requirement for fully informed consent.

From this point on, Dr Malhotra has publicly called for the suspension of the mRNA COVID vaccines until a thorough investigation is carried out.

Of all the data Dr Malhotra has reviewed regarding the safety and efficacy of the mRNA COVID vaccines, there is one paper in particular which he says, “blows it out of the water and is enough to call for suspension.” He’s referring to a peer-reviewed independent reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s own trial data – the trials that led to the approval of the vaccines in the first place – published in the journal Vaccine in September 2022.

“They found you were more likely from the beginning to suffer serious harm from the vaccine (disability, life-changing event, hospitalisation) … than to be hospitalised with Covid during the ancestral strain of the virus,” Dr Malhotra explains. Based on the trial data, the mRNA COVID vaccines, “should never have been approved for use in a single human in the first place. That’s a no-brainer. That shouldn’t even be debated.”

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