Pfizer is killing your Family for Profit – Gov. proves 92% of COVID Deaths were among the Triple+ Vaccinated in 2022


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The UK government has released official figures that show a shocking truth: the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022, and 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past two years.

The figures were published by a UK government agency, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), on the 21st of February 2023.

The report, titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022′, can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.


The new report contains figures on mortality rates by vaccination status for all-cause deaths, deaths involving Covid-19, and deaths not involving Covid-19.

By looking at Table 1 of the dataset, we can see that the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths occurred among those who had received three or more doses of the Covid-19 injection.

But this isn’t just an anomaly.

The figures show that Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population have become almost negligible, while deaths among the vaccinated population have become more significant over time.

For instance, in May 2021, there were 205 Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated population and just 84 among the unvaccinated population.

However, fast forward a year, and we find that Covid-19 deaths increased by 450%, with 1,494 among the vaccinated and just 96 among the unvaccinated.

It’s shocking to see that, despite the mass booster campaign in the winter of 2021, the injections did nothing to alleviate the huge number of deaths among the vaccinated population.

In fact, the data suggests that the booster campaign actually made things worse.

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The figures show that 25,758 out of 28,041 Covid-19 deaths in England between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2022 were among the fully vaccinated population.

Shockingly, this means that the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92% of all Covid-19 deaths throughout the year 2022.

Meanwhile, there were 45,191 Covid-19 deaths in England between 1st April 2021 and 31st December 2022, and 38,884 of those deaths were among the fully vaccinated population, while just 6,307 deaths were among the unvaccinated population.

This means the fully vaccinated population have accounted for 86% / 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over nearly two years.

This raises an important question: are the Covid-19 injections really up to 95% effective at preventing death?

The figures suggest otherwise.

It’s concerning to see that news like this is being swept under the rug by the mainstream media.

What else are we not being told?

It’s time for us to take responsibility for our own health and make informed decisions about our bodies.

We must not blindly follow the recommendations of authorities without looking at the data and questioning what we’re being told.

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