Operation Warp Speed? Pfizer patented the spike protein for a coronavirus vaccine over 30 years ago


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In 1966, the very first COV coronavirus model was used as a transatlantic USA/UK biological experiment in human manipulation.  The common cold, coronavirus, was turned into a chimaera in the 1970s.  In 1990, Pfizer filed the first spike protein vaccine.  In 2002, a weaponised coronavirus was patented. In 2003, SARS-CoV-1 was released into the world.

“We engineered SARS.  SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon.  The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold,” Dr. David E. Martin said.   What we have seen over the decades is that “nature was hijacked … Science was highjacked … Morality was hijacked … Humanity was highjacked.”

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Dr. David E. Martin is the founding CEO of M∙CAM Inc. M∙CAM is the international leader in intellectual property-based financial risk management. From auditing patent quality for governments and patent offices to providing state-of-the-art actuarial risk management systems and solutions to the largest banks and insurance companies, M∙CAM has established a global standard in patent quality and commercial validity assessment and management.

During the International Covid Summit held in the European Parliament on 3 May, Dr. Martin testified as to the history and origins of SARS-CoV-2, its spike protein and its “vaccine.”

At the Summit, more than 30 international experts and EU parliamentarians testified, exposing a wide range of aspects of the covid “pandemic.” You can watch the full 8-hour session on YouTube uploaded in two parts HERE (part 1) and HERE (part 2). Or, if the videos are removed from YouTube you can find them on Rumble HERE.

A list of all presentations with timestamps can be found HERE.  Dr. Martin’s testimony begins at timestamp 12.56 of part 1.  We previously published articles on a press conference held after the Summit HERE and Dr. Jessica Rose’s testimony HERE.  Below is Dr. Martin’s testimony followed by the transcript.

Agent of Change: Dr David E. Martin PhD – Covid Summit – European Union Parliament May 2023 (21 mins)

Notably, Dr. Martin’s testimony is being publicised in some media across the world but no Western corporate media have had the courage or integrity to report on it.  For example, The Standard (Hong Kong) published a report ‘US ‘intentionally released Covid virus in Wuhan’ EU summit told’.  And, although perhaps an independent media outlet, Today News Africa published a report ‘Dr. David Martin Claims Covid-19 Pandemic Was Pre-Meditated Domestic Terrorism, Speaks at European Parliament Summit’.

How much longer can outlets such as the BBC and its Trusted News Initiative network delude themselves that the cat has not been let out of the bag?

As mentioned in his testimony at the International Covid Summit, Dr. Martin has been speaking about the origins of SARS since 2006. But, until the covid era, it had been to small groups of people.  Early in the “pandemic,” his wife encouraged him to “get in front of the camera” and talk about the information he had to a wider audience. In other words, make the information available to us, the general public.  His interviews and presentations can easily be found in independent media, including ourselves, and on social media sites that are not being actively censored. For those who may have missed them, below is a small sample of interviews with Dr. Martin:

  • Dr. David Martin Discussed Justin Trudeau’s Illegal Monopoly, BigPharma, CRISPR Technology, Tracking and the New World Order (video on Rumble) HERE
  • Dr. David Martin Uncovers Groundbreaking Information Regarding the Actual Origins of covid-19 (video on Rumble) HERE
  • Dr. David E. Martin: It’s Much Worse Than You Think ~ Massive Government/University Corruption And The Creation Of Covid (video on Rumble) HERE
  • Dr David Martin discusses the University of British Columbia’s role in developing the lipid nano-particle technology used to deliver the spike proteins in the injection (video on Rumble) HERE

Transcript of Dr. David E. Martin’s Testimony at the International Covid Summit III held in the European Union Parliament on 3 May 2023

It is a particularly interesting location for me to be sitting today, given that over a decade ago I sat in this very chair right here in the European Union Parliament.

And at that time, I warned the world of what was coming.  During that conversation that was hosted at the time by the Green and EFA and a number of the other parties of the European Unions, various representations, we were having a conversation on whether Europe should adopt the United States policy of allowing for the patents on biologically derived materials.  And at the time, I urged this body and I urged people around the world that the weaponisation of nature against humanity had dire consequences.

Tragically, I sit here today, with that unfortunate line that I don’t like to say, which is “I told you so.”

But the fact of the matter is, we’re here not for a reprisal on past decisions. We’re here to actually, once again, come to the face of the human condition and ask the question: Who do we want to be?  What do we want humanity to look like?

And rather than seeing this as an exercise in futility, which is very easy from time to time when you’re in the position I’m in, I actually see this not as an exercise in futility.  I see this as one of the greatest opportunities that faces us because we now have a public conversation, which is now front and centre in people’s minds.  When this was an esoteric conversation about biological patents, nobody cared.  But when that conversation came home, then it became something people can care about.

So, I’m actually quite grateful for this opportunity. I thank the Members of Parliament for hosting this. I thank all of the translators whom I apologise to in advance.  I will use terminology that is probably very difficult to translate, so my apologies.

And I’d also like to acknowledge the fact that many of you are aware of my involvement with this in large part due to the amazing work of my wonderful wife, Kim Martin, who encouraged me at the very early days of this pandemic to get on front of the camera and talk about all the information that I had been sharing among very small groups around the world.  And it was in fact her encouragement that put me in a place where many of you have heard what I have to say.  Ironically, the world that I came from that used to be very popular, my CNBC and Bloomberg presentations which were televised on mainstream media around the world, was an audience that I lost.  I can confidently say covid diminished my fame. But I can also confidently say that I’d rather stand among the people with whom I’m standing today than any of the folks that were part of that previous world.  So, this is a much better place to be.

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