Nearly 100% of Fact-Checkers’ Political Donations Go Exclusively to the Democratic Party, Study Finds


by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

If you believe the entire “fact-checking” industry is rigged to push the political agenda of the Democratic Party, you’re not wrong. There’s more evidence in addition to the voluminous amount of biased and even laughable “fact checks” to support that conclusion.

A new study from the Washington Free Beacon analyzing political contributions from U.S. employees who call themselves “fact checkers” reveals that an astounding 99.5% of their donations went to Democrats. That’s right — nearly 100 percent.


That means that the policing of the Internet for “facts” is being carried out by partisan Democrats who nearly exclusively target conservatives and independents for “fact checks,” thereby doing massive damage to the reputation and financial backing of journalists who seek to hold the powerful and privileged accountable.

The study examined political donations over the past four election cycles and discovered that out of the total $22,683 donated, only $22,580 went to Democrats, while a meager three donations were made to Republicans.

These findings raise major concerns about the supposed neutrality and impartiality of those responsible for “fact-checking” and censorship within our society. Despite claiming to be unbiased, these individuals showed a clear partisan preference. The study even revealed that fact checkers donated ten times more money to socialist Bernie Sanders alone than to all Republican politicians combined.

The study analyzed campaign finance disclosures, including contributions from fact checkers at prominent organizations such as Reuters, the New York Times, Google, New York Magazine, CBS News, the New Republic, Vox, the New Yorker, and National Geographic, among others, totaling 40 organizations.

These findings shed light on the questionable nature of this industry and the individuals entrusted with ensuring accurate information. Nearly 100% of political donations from self-identified fact checkers, including those employed by organizations claiming journalistic neutrality, were directed towards Democrats and liberal groups, as revealed in the analysis of federal campaign finance disclosures by the Washington Free Beacon.

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