Media Shrieks as LGBT Blitzkrieg Begins to Stall


from Moonbattery:

The gathering backlash is already putting a crimp in sin celebrations. The media responds with hamfisted spin:

A spike in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and threats has taken a heavy toll on pride celebrations in the United States this year, organizers say — especially in states where politicians want to curtail rights.

Having your rights curtailed in this context means being asked not to stage obscene performances in front of children or subject them to hardcore homosexual pornography in school.


This month’s celebrations in Houston, the largest pride event in conservative Texas, have been scaled back due to rising insurance and security costs…

The change was first announced in January as Texas lawmakers prepared bills restricting gender-affirming health care and drag performances. Now, pride planners across the US and Canada say they are facing higher bills because of anti-LGBTQ disinformation and hate.

At long last, the Culture War blitzkrieg is getting bogged down in resistance.

Florida has become a hotspot, with Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican running for president, signing bills this spring banning youngsters from drag shows and restricting how they learn about the LGBTQ community.

That is, DeSantis has been protecting children from obscene performances and from homosexual grooming in school.

“I didn’t realize there was going to be that much of a real shake-up,” said Carrie West, president of Tampa Pride, which in May canceled an outdoor festival after some sponsors said they were worried about running afoul of the new laws.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. More from the Sunshine State:

In April, the advocacy group Equality Florida issued an advisory warning for LGBTQ people traveling to the state.

The NAACP, whose leader Leon W. Russell lives in Florida, pulled a similar stunt, inviting similar guffaws.

Pride organizers in St. Cloud, outside Orlando, later canceled this year’s event due to a “climate of fear.”

Pretending to be victimized is the kneejerk response of predators when they encounter resistance. But by now no one outside the liberal bubble buys the bullying perverts as victims narrative.

Kristina Bozanich, a photographer who spearheads the celebration, told AFP the drag performers “didn’t feel safe” after DeSantis signed the Protection of Children Act, which prohibits admitting children into “adult live performances.”

How any decent person could defend subjecting children to adult live performances is left unexplained.

Further south in Port St. Lucie, where an annual pride parade was canceled in April over legal concerns, there has been blowback for others who promote events.

“I did post on one of the Port St. Lucie regular pages on Facebook about our pride party, and people just started making remarks about grooming kids,” said PJ Ashley, president of the nonprofit Sanctuary of the Treasure Coast.

Such remarks are examples of what the author means by “disinformation and hate.” Fortunately, the liberal media has expended the last of its credibility and is taken seriously only by moonbats who seek refuge from reality in an ideological echo chamber.

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