IT WAS ALL A LIE: Dirty Jack Smith Leaked Trump Milley Audio to Fake News to Taint Jury Pool and Smear Trump – But It IS NOT Part of Bogus Indictments Against President Trump


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

For weeks Special Counsel Jack Smith has been leaking allegations to the lemming media on alleged ‘classified’ information on a report discussed by President Trump to his associates and written by dummy Mark Milley, who surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and turned over $80 billion in US weapons to the terrorist group.

Milley wrote a report on his invasion plans into Iran that included the deployment of a “massive number of troops” into the Islamic State. This was obviously not taken seriously by President Trump or his staff. Trump was the first US president in decades to keep the US out of any new wars.


This recent leak by dirty Special Counsel Jack Smith involved Mark Milley and some nonsense he wrote about invading Iran.

The DOJ has been leaking the so-called classified information on the case to the mainstream media for weeks.

Then on Monday Jack Smith leaked the audio to CNN to smear President Trump and taint the jury pool.

The CNN report went viral.

Legal expert and author Mark Levin called for Jack Smith to be jailed following his latest leak.

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