How Bad Does It Have to Get?


by Stephan Helgesen, American Thinker:

Murders, street crime, white-collar crime, shoplifting, trespassing, abuse of power, illegal drugs, legal drugs, illegal immigration and open borders, election-tampering, institutional decay, homelessness, illiteracy, phony racism, real racism, corrupt politicians, vengeful district attorneys, child abuse, domestic partner abuse, disregard for human life, a weakened military, the rise of authoritarianism, expanding ignorance, AI, CRT, DIE, poverty, inflation, radical environmentalism, gender fluidity, lowered standards and weakened values, flight from personal responsibility, death of the meritocracy…the list goes on, and it’s getting bigger by the day.


President Ronald Reagan described America as a shining city on a hill.  It is now an endless loop of Escape from New York and Clockwork Orange.  We swing on a political pendulum every two to four years.  Back and forth we go, never advancing.  Half the nation is always angry, frustrated, disappointed, dejected, demoralized, and depressed, while the other half celebrate their victories until it’s their turn.

Those of us who mourn the passing of the Greatest Generation and everything it stood and fought for are, ourselves, fading away.  Some of us still find the strength to push back, but our numbers are declining.  Some of us are packing up and looking for a safe haven, where we can practice our religion and practice our values without apologizing for them or having to explain them to people without any.

The world today is not our world.  Not that we thought it would remain unchanged — we knew that we would have to say goodbye to the transitory things that served to characterize our time on Earth, but we never dreamed that we would find ourselves stateless beings, living in a world of digital domination and artificial intelligence.  Nor did we think the unborn or the unwanted could be discarded like yesterday’s newspaper or that we would be glorifying deviants or deviant behavior.

Those of us who’ve lived through wars or fought them and have taken lives in the process cannot fathom why our nation would want to commit us to more of the same or that we’d happily supply other countries with the firepower to fight proxy wars while we claim “solidarity” with their cause in the safe space of Facebook.  Our complacency, laziness, or ignorance of the consequences of inaction has emboldened the darker angels of our nation to attack our liberties, to remove our possessions and our hope from us without our permission.  And instead of rising up and demanding personal accountability and the fair and consistent application of our laws to lawbreakers, we absolve the perpetrators as “victims of an unfair and racist society.”  Our childlike faith in institutions like our schools has been rewarded with the implementation of radical racial theories by ideologues masquerading as teachers and school boards.

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