Gargantuan New Evidence Pfizer, Big Pharma And ‘Global Govt Terrorists’ Are Carrying Out ‘Depopulation’ As Forecast By Deagel And Have Targeted OUR Children For ‘Elimination’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Dating all the way back to 2014 and the launch of ANP, we’ve been reporting upon a mysterious website which got the huge majority of its ‘data and information‘ from all of the ‘deep state/global government characters‘ who’ve declared war upon the human race and are now going about the brutal and pure evil process of ‘human extermination,‘, and as we’ve reported many times before, for many, many years, Deagel was running a ‘2025 forecast‘ for America and the world, one within which they ‘forecast‘ the US population to be well below 100 million people by 2025, a stunning drop of over 230 million people from the years the forecasts were made.


With Deagel for years used by military authors such as Tom Clancy, before he was murdered, to gather information for their books, as we’d reported all the way back in 2014, the fact that Deagel’s sources included the United States Department of State, the CIA, the World Bank, the European Union and the US Department of Defense among others, was a huge reason we reported upon Deagel’s legitimacy as a group having knowledge of future mass death for America and ‘Western civilization,’ although the mainstream media reported Deagel’s forecasts were ‘crazy conspiracy theories‘.

And while Deagel finally back in 2021 removed all mention of their 2025 forecast for America that showed our population being ‘culled‘ by over 200 million people within just 4 years, while they’ve continued to put out military reports for countries all over the planet, as we’d reported back in April of 2021 after Deagel removed their ‘forecast,’ their information also showed America would  be a full-scale 3rd world nation by the year 2025, as if they somehow knew something ‘the masses‘ didn’t.

And as we’d reported back in April of 2021, this removal of Deagel’s 2025 forecast came soon after an expose about them on Doug Casey’s International Man website had gone viral, an expose in which Casey called Deagel’s forecast “the biggest thing in the world” for their massive depopulation prediction for America and Western Europe

And with Deagel’s sources for their 2025 forecast showing a massive culling about to take place in America and throughout Western Europe absolutely the ‘deep state‘ and the ‘terrorist global government’ now waging war upon the human race as we see in the screenshot below taken from their website, you’ve got to check out this new story over at Zero Hedge reporting newly emerged documents PROVE that Pfizer‘ KNEW all the way back in 2021 that their mRNA gene therapy injections sickened babies and infants and the poisons could be passed on through their mothers to their unborn or just-born babies, nothing less than depopulation being carried out before our eyes. From that story before we continue.:

Per internal Pfizer documents forced into the public domain by court decree, we know now that the company knew way back in April 2021 of the risks its mRNA gene therapy posed to infants. 

Via Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review

“[Pfizer’s] safety database was searched for all BNT162b2 vaccine cases reporting any exposure to vaccine during pregnancy (mother and/or baby) or exposure to baby via lactation from all time through 28 February 2021. A search of the Pfizer safety database identified 673 case reports. … 

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