Four More Startling and Uncomfortable Ways Today’s Leftists Emulate the Nazis


by D. Parker, American Thinker:

There is something very troubling going on. First, we noted Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party. Then, we added 8 more for a total of 16 disturbing similarities between the two parties. But there are a lot more, with new examples springing up every day and they go beyond just the party to encompass the American left.

We’re doing a shorter list today to properly detail each one of these commonalities.


It’s almost a relief to be able to dismiss some actions by the fascist far left that don’t fit the criteria for the discussion, since there are so many others piling up. Unfortunately, it’s also very distressing that much of what they are doing is in commonality with their ideological comrades of the National Socialist Workers’ (Nazi) Party.

This list also shows how one of the main pillars of the left’s big lie falls apart under logical analysis.

1. Big corporations collaborated with the Nazis and now with big business collaborates with the Democrats.

Far-left concerns such as Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, NikeFord, Kohl’s, PfizerGillette, PayPal and most prominently Target are pushing leftist dogma.  They are collaborating with the Democrat party just as many corporations – Volkswagen, Hugo Boss, and IBM (That’s a story all by itself) collaborated with the National Socialist Workers’ (Nazi) Party.

The egregious actions of far-left corporations like Target and many others absolutely destroy one of the authoritarians’ big lies about the pro-freedom right.  People imbued with the precepts of individual liberty and limited government supposedly are somehow connected to totalitarian collectivist groups displaying the exact opposite of those values.  Since the pro-freedom right favors economic liberty and free enterprise, we’re closely tied to business. The vague leftist ‘logic’ is that this means that a government set with public/private partnerships is somehow ‘right wing’. So, keep this in mind whenever leftists bring up this ever-vague assertion that flies in the face of facts. But then again, the fascist far left has never let logic and common sense get in the way of a good lie.

2. Democrats and Nazis have a very disturbing affinity for guillotines.

This is one of those strange and very disturbing commonalities between the Democrat and Nazi parties. Guillotines are ‘featured’ in many an image and references from the fascist far left, “Homophobe Headrest.” On jewelry and T-shirts that were sold at Target.

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The lefties also enjoy setting up ‘faux’ versions of them as threats at protests. This follows in line with the fact that the Nazis slaughtered 16,000 people by guillotine. Including 21-year-old Sophie Scholl of the White Rose in resistance to Hitler, and an American resistance leader executed on Hitler’s Orders.

Leftists love to hurl the ‘noose’ hate crime accusation just about any time someone ties a knot in a piece of rope. Parenthetically speaking, we noticed a loop in an overhead door pull the other day at a commercial garage, there isn’t much to them and they are everywhere.  Compare to the extensive material and construction requirements to even build a fake Guillotine; there are many pieces and parts that have to be cut to size, pre-assembled for fit, and then disassembled, transported, and reassembled on site to threaten its intended victims.

And yet, all we hear about are ‘hate crimes’ involving cordage allegedly tied in certain ways, but never about the extensive effort to set up a faux Guillotine. Why isn’t that a ‘Hate crime’?

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