Dr. Thomas Binder: The entire modified RNA platform must be banned immediately


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Thomas Binder, a Swiss medical doctor, warned in a video he tweeted yesterday that the pharmaceutical industry is currently working on transferring all vaccinations onto using the mRNA platform.  “Even having a trace of intelligence, is enough to realise that the modified RNA vaccine platform is totally nonsensical and life-threatening,” he said.  “The entire modified RNA platform must be banned immediately.”

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Dr. Binder studied medicine at the University of Zurich, obtained a doctorate in immunology and virology, specialised in internal medicine and cardiology and has 35 years of experience in the diagnosis and therapy of acute respiratory infections, in hospitals, intensive care units and his medical practice.

Along with others, Dr. Binder has been speaking out about the unscientific, unlawful, inhumane covid narrative and measures since February 2020.  “For doing this, we were censored, labelled or, like me at Easter 2020, even brutally arrested by a counter-terrorist unit in my doctor’s office and shipped off to the looney bin because of alleged ‘self endangerment in covid insanity’,” he said. “Today we are totally vindicated.”

“The corona narrative and the modRNA vaccination platform are such obvious utter unscientific nonsense and deadly that every doctor who hadn’t instantly informed the populace is a total dead loss who shouldn’t have passed the exam, sorry to say,” he tweeted yesterday and attached the video below.  It is his message to the public:

“Others and myself who had a minimal basic medical and immunological knowledge, had read the pivotal studies, and have some common sense and spine had already explained the futility, ineffectiveness and insecurity of the modified RNA injections before their criminal emergency approval.

“Today, we know that they are even negative effectiveness, promote illness and death from covid, and have already killed over 10 million people through side effects,  prevented millions of fertilisations and induced millions of stillbirths – in the absence of evidence that they save even one single human life.

“While there has never been a pandemic of a killer virus, there was a pandemic of cowards … This modified RNA genocide is the greatest medical crime in human history, a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented proportions.”

Doctors for Covid Ethics: Dr. Thomas Binder’s Message to the Public, 4 April 2023 (7 mins)

Dr. Binder also tweeted an outline of how they fabricated the covid plandemic which we have republished below.  It gives us a good idea of how they may attempt to implement plandemics in the future.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed.  His article ‘The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative’ written in November 2021 is also useful reading. You can support the work Dr. Binder does to inform and educate as many people as possible about the covid fraud HERE.

The fundamental fraud of the Corona Crime Against Humanity

Source: Dr. Thomas Binder on Twitter

While in this more detailed piece from 28 November 2021, you can also find the scientific evidence, a picture paints a thousand words. Already a glance at the monitoring of intensive care occupancy by ETH Zürich (see graph) blows the lid off the fundamental fraud of the corona crime against humanity: A beta corona cold virus was inflated into a killer virus with P(C)R by misattributing all other diagnoses with a positive RT-PCR nonsense test to covid-19.

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