Corporate LGBTists Come After Pets


from Moonbattery:

“We’re coming for your children,” the militant gays taunted. With the assistance of their corporate sponsors, they made good on the threat. Now they are coming for our pets:

Some social media users recently aimed their ire at PetSmart for boasting about its all-new “You Are Loved” collection of 2023 Pride-themed clothing, toys and other items for pet owners’ four-legged friends.

As with Anheuser-Busch and Target, tasteless LGBTism is not new for PetSmart. However, it is getting renewed attention now that consumers realize they can push back against the belligerent degenerates who rule over us:


While PetSmart has celebrated Pride since 2019, according to a company news release on May 2, some online critics bashed the company this month and called for a boycott similar to what other brands like Bud Light and Target are facing.

Animals sometimes engage in aberrant and unhealthy behavior, but only people can deliberately embrace sin out of moral depravity, so LGBTism has nothing to do with pets, right?

Wrong. Being not just a lifestyle but a totalitarian ideology, it has to do with everyone and everything:

Monkeypox is spread almost exclusively through homosexual activity. But as with AIDS, non-gays are put at risk. Children in gay custody, for example. Dogs for another.

Liberal utopia has not been achieved until everything imaginable has been sexualized, perverted, and rendered unclean.

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