Chick-fil-A Begs for Bud Light Treatment


from Moonbattery:

If ever a product asked for a boycott more insistently even than Bud Light, it could only be Chick-fil-A.

Anheuser-Busch expressed contempt for its own customers by repeatedly grinding LGBTism in their faces. But there was less of a betrayal, because no one (except Don Jr.) thought it was a countermoonbat company. In contrast, Chick-fil-A enjoys the loyalty of customers who view it as Christian. It will take more than staying closed on Sundays to expiate joining the ranks of corporate moonbats:


“Chick-fil-A, Inc.’s commitment to being Better at Together means embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in everything we do,” the company announced on its website.

Those who watched Chairman Dan Cathy kneel down to theatrically clean the shoes of a smirking rap performer to debase himself for being Caucasian…

…will not be surprised to hear that this commitment entails discriminating against white men. Worst still for a company that presents itself as Christian is the promotion of LGBT depravity:

Chick-fil-A additionally includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and “gender expression” in its employment nondiscrimination statement alongside race, sex, religion, and veteran status.

As part of the package, it buys into the increasingly sinister global warming hoax:

The firm created an evaluation of “top ESG issues that internal and external stakeholders expect to grow in importance in the next five years” for a recent sustainability report, which included “climate and energy stewardship” and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

None of this is actually new…

Chick-fil-A, which is privately owned, garnered criticism four years ago after its charitable foundation halted donations to a number of Christian organizations characterized as “anti-LGBTQ groups,” such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army.

…but Chick-fil-A’s moonbattery is drawing new attention in light of what the countermoonbat boycott is doing to Bud Light:

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