Camouflage in Your Backyard with Over 400,000 Cell Sites in The US


by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

Afew weeks ago I decided to go explore something after discovering I’m sitting in the middle of a field of radiation whirling about the sky above. I did a search through to see how many cell towers and antennas were in a 3-mile radius of where I reside much of the time. If I had made a guess, I probably would have guessed 20-30 cell towers. I asked several nearby friends and family members how many they suspected and they came in even lower than I did. We were all shocked to learn that we are surrounded by over 170 towers.


I may not be out in the sticks, which I’d prefer, but I am not located in a big city, so it was a rather eye-opening discovery, and 170 towers seemed incredibly excessive. I then proceeded to review the handy list of companies that own these towers, spec out the height, latitude and longitude, and even scoped some of them out on satellite for better perspective. Sure, some of them were small sites on farms, while others were massive structures, but it was then that I realized some of these towers were in camouflage, and wondered how many people even realize these are cell towers in their backyards?

That was enough for me. I grabbed my trifield meter, called a friend who was equally intrigued, and we were off to explore this cell tower disguised as a 150′ tall flagpole. It was just as I had imagined, but worse. There were no markings, plaques, or information making people aware that it was emitting radiation as cell towers do. In fact, they dressed up this flagpole so well that it had a bench wrapped around it to kick back on, a deck adjacent lined with picnic tables, and walking trails around a beautiful pond, all right in the center of a community with lots of activity.

From the moment we approached the parking lot, at roughly 300′ away from this mammoth 150′ flagpole, the meter needled out completely. As we got closer it fluctuated back and forth. There was nothing visible on this flagpole to indicate it was a cell tower and it didn’t have the typical antennas at the top. So how was the lady pushing her baby in a stroller alongside it to know? How were the families enjoying lunch at the picnic table to know? If they knew, would they stay clear of it?

I had to know more. Was this a thing? Were flagpoles or other forms of disguised cell towers popping up across the country? As it turns out, the flagpole camouflage began back in the early 2000’s. Not only that, they’ve been doing this with fake pines, cacti, and palm trees, and have even installed them inside crosses on church grounds so you can sip in the radiation during worship. Just this year, our local water towers have been outfitted with cell antennas. Who wouldn’t want a dose of radiation cycling through their water?

In a quick search for companies who construct these flagpole cell towers, I found one whose flagpole resembles the one I observed up close and personal. This isn’t the builder of our local delight, but I wanted to show just how well disguised these truly are. One day, they may just convert all towers into flagpole style so they can prominently display the newest design of the Pride flag until everyone recognizes it as the new flag of the United States of America.

Over 400,000 Cell Sites with Over 142,000 Towers in The US and States Are Complying with the 1996 Telecommunications Act Which Blocks Communities from Protesting Towers Over Health Concerns

As of 2020, the US surpassed 417,000 cell sites with a large amount of funding going into amping up 5G, with AT&T leading the global charge as a service provider, followed by Verizon and China Mobile, reaching 8.6 billion phone subscribers by 2022. Samsung, Apple, and Xiaomi lead the way in smartphone sales.

It’s important to distinguish between cell sites and cell towers. The US boasts over 417,000 cell sites and as of 2022, over 142,000 cell towers. What’s the difference? A cell tower is pretty obvious – it’s the structure we see quite visibly because they are typically 50-150′ tall, unless of course it’s one of the “stealth towers.” Whereas the cell site contains all of the key equipment in a building to transmit cell signals, such as transmitters and receivers, antenna, GPS, power sources, a base receiver station, and more. Go here for a full description.

So who are the biggest cell tower site owners? American Tower is the largest global owner and operator of cell towers, coming in at more than 219,000 sites with over 41,000 in the US alone, followed by Crown Castle, and SBA Communications. It should come as no surprise that BlackRock and Vanguard are the top two shareholders in all three companies. Coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust has over $190 million in shares with Crown Castle. Looking at Gates’ big investments in 2023 it sort of puts you in a Soylent Green daze, from medical to food, water, railways, and well… waste management.

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