Australian Doctors Strike Back Against COVID-19 Corruption


by Dr. Peter McCullough, America Outloud:

The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society is a group of doctors who want to provide an alternate voice to the orthodoxy of the Australian Medical Association, which has been parroting the government’s false narrative. AMPS has joined tens of thousands of other workers who had decided to form independent associations under the Red Union banner. This week’s report is dedicated to efforts in Australia to restore medical transparency, and integrity, and relieve suffering from COVID-19 and injuries from the vaccines.


AMPS supports:

  • The primacy of the doctor/patient relationship, with Government bureaucrats being removed from the surgery room.
  • Making it easier for doctors to speak out publicly. Doctors are currently gagged by AHPRA.
  • The removal of AHPRA from monitoring doctors on social media and voicing their medical opinions.
  • Resisting Government Coercion.
  • The ability to speak out about refugee health without fear of de-registration.
  • Resisting Government mandates.
  • Resisting Government agencies running roughshod over doctors in what they can prescribe and recommend.

AMPS remains fully committed to defending caregivers’ rights to treat patients as they see fit and respects the enormous amount of medical training undergone to achieve this right. This means that the Government must be drastically limited in this space.

Our special guest on the report is AMPS President, Dr Christopher Neil, who has practiced medicine for 20 years, specializing in cardiology since 2008. Completing his Ph.D. in Adelaide and undertaking post-doctoral research and a fellowship in the UK, he has been committed to clinical excellence in the care of patients with heart disease. Returning to a specialist consultant post in his hometown of Melbourne, in 2013, he focused on developing improved systems of care for patients, whilst continuing to research in hospitals, mentor physicians in training, and supervise graduate students.

His passion, however, has always been for his patients, and when he saw their health impacted and their rights infringed, he stood against what he saw as unethical and unjustifiable mandates, resulting in his termination in October 2021. He was a co-founder of AMPS in 2021 and continues as the current President. His story of going from being a celebrated and compassionate physician to decertification and humiliation can only be told by this brave physician himself. 

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