Alex Soros Vows To Open Wide the Gates of Hell


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

George Soros tops the list of demonic world dominion leaders. But his 37-year-old son, Alexander Soros, promises to make his father’s lawless work seem like a kindergarten affair in comparison to his own despotic vision of global tyranny. Alex, the recent recipient of 25 billion dollars of his father’s wealth, has candidly warned us: “I’m way more political” [than his father], and “I’m 100 times worse than my dad.” Thanks for sharing, Alex.


To say that Alex is expanding his daddy’s legacy of owning the Biden White House is an understatement. This guy isn’t shy when it comes to flouting his strong-arm capabilities with top deep-state government actors. He displays his pomp for the world to see on Twitter and other media sites. He is setting the stage to continue the Open Society Foundations’ sinister goal of a borderless one-world order. He’s telling us not his dream, but his avocation. If we know what’s good for us, we will not ignore this tyrant wannabe’s message. With $25 billion in his palm, he is dangerous.

Censorship has become an overwhelming problem. Elon Musk’s assertions of a free-speech Twitter platform aren’t panning out so well thus far. Twitter censorship is still a huge obstacle to truth-telling. Even some conservative networks seem to only toe the line on allowing free speech. Unless it’s pornography, Marxism, drugs, or other evils, you’re going to have difficulty broadcasting facts, morality, and truth. Telling lies? That’s perfectly fine. Young Alex loves that sort of stuff because it contributes to the demise of nations, families, and individuals. We aren’t surprised that he has already determined to block all Conservatives from the Internet. In his mind, Conservatives and Christians are a menace, and they must be silenced. But who can blame him?

Face it; global power is not easily achieved. It takes lots of money to fund a global coup. Alex has it. You also need to make strong connections in high government positions. Alex is doing it. You must be committed to avoiding slothfulness when Papa hands you a multibillion-dollar enterprise and says, “Go for it!” It’s time for Alex to come out of his basement.

Let the adventure begin! And let the world suffer all the more. Since Joe Biden was installed in 2021, Alex has visited the White House “at least 17 times,” according to public records.

On February 8 and 10 this year, Alex was greeted by three people of distinction, including the Deputy National Security Advisor (NSA) Jon FinerJordan Finkelstein, who is special assistant to the president, and the chief of staff for senior Biden advisor Anita Dunn, and Mariana Adame, advisor to the counselor of the president. Not bad. Alexander the Not-So-Great has distinguished himself as worthy of honor and praise among anti-American protagonists. Yes, money talks. And people do listen to money moguls.

In January 2023, Alex met with Ron Klain, Biden’s former Chief of Staff, and he was invited to a lavish dinner given in honor of the Communist French President Emmanuel Macron. From 2018 to 2022, Alex also socially mingled with other top Democrat admirers, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. He called Schumer his “good friend,” and praised Pelosi as the “greatest Speaker of the House in American history.” He summed up his paean to her in a photo of himself with George Soros and Nancy: “In Pelosi we trust.”

Alex also rubbed shoulders with former President Obama, in 2018, 2019, and 2022. I wonder what they said. The list of Alex’s new partners in crime goes on. He met with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Ca), whose congressional censure for pathologically lying to Americans recently failed due to 20 RINO accomplices. We have no difficulty imagining their conversation since Alex offered the Schiff weasel great homage: “The state of American democracy is vulnerable, even with Trump gone, but can you imagine how much worse it would be without all Adam Schiff has done? Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn) communicated with little Alex at the Munich Security Conference in Germany. Whose security did they plan? It’s obvious.


Rep Adam Schiff and Alex Soros


Other Alex verbal intercourse transpired with Pete Buttigieg (Transportation Secretary), Attorney General Kieth Ellison, Rep. Ilan Omar (D-Minn), failure and fraud Beto O’Rourke, and Sen Ralph Warnock (D-Ga.) Alexander Soros is greasing the Communist machinery for the lethal plunge into globalism.

We have already seen how the Soros empire has caused immeasurable damage to our country.  The 65 Project’s mission is to destroy all attorneys who seek honest and fair elections, in the same way that the righteous doctors who spoke the truth of the manmade Covid-19 pandemic. The Soros-funded political action committees (PACs) are entrenched in ballot warfare. Their goal is to eliminate elections. Dictators don’t allow the people to choose their leaders. This ideology aligns with the mentality of every Democrat and Republican Uniparty loyalist — and they are many!

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