Why Indecent Exposure to Minors Should Not Be Felony


    from Moonbattery:

    As the bumper sticker slogans that pass for thoughts among moonbats often remind us, no one should be judged for who they love, because love is love. That means that sexually exposing yourself to children should not be a felony. In Colorado, a majority of Democrat lawmakers concur. State rep Leslie Herod (D-Of Course) presents the reasoning:

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    Leslie Herod is revered as the “first gay African-American to be elected to Colorado’s state legislature.” Be sure to celebrate her historicalness.

    LGBTism is not only a useful sledgehammer for smashing Christianity. It also serves as the tip of the spear for normalizing pedophilia.

    Maybe Colorado is not yet lost. HB23-1135, making indecent exposure in the presence of a child a class 6 felony, passed thanks to unanimous Republican support, despite Herod’s objections.

    On a tip from DCGere.

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