WHO & United Nations Coordinate Global Plan to Decriminalize Pedophilia


by DrLee4America, America Outloud:

WHO and the UN are engaged in an all-out campaign to normalize pedophilia and sexual activity by adults with children from birth on, and at the same time, criminalize those who seek to protect children from sexual predators. This global assault on children is part of the evil plan determined to undermine the spiritual, medical, psychological, and political destruction of the Judeo-Christian values of Western civilization.

They seek to destroy the healthy family unit as a way to inculcate traditional values focused on individual liberty and connections with our Creator. Our guest, David Sorensen, is the founder of StopWorldControl.com, which launched May 6 as an international campaign releasing WHO and UN documents exposing this heinous coordinated global plan to decriminalize pedophilia.

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They are grooming our children for sexual activity with adults beginning in kindergarten and continuing throughout the educational system, and disseminating initiatives in the courts worldwide that sexual activity with children is a basic “human right” that requires protection.

Nowhere in any of the WHO and UN documents is there any mention of the extreme psychological and physical trauma, or lifelong scars, that result from sexual abuse of children by adults. Mr. Sorensen was a Christian minister in Europe for 30 years before coming to the US on a permanent visa as an expert of special skills to continue his work to protect the children.

From Stop World Control founder, David Sorensen, here are his words, as he feels led by the Holy Spirit, to mobilize all of us to stand against this evil assault on our precious children:

“What is the greatest army in the world? It’s not China, America, Russia, or North Korea. The greatest army in the world is the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who are taking a stand against tyranny. They have the greatest power all over the world.

The millions of people in France, the millions of people in Germany, the millions of people in the UK, the millions of people in America, the millions of people in Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.

We are the force that will change the course of history. We are the power that will overthrow their deception. We are the army of those who speak truth to humanity.

Our power is greater than their tyranny. Your voice can take them down. Your prayers will end their rule. Your love will shatter their hatred.

Don’t be afraid. Don’t back down. Don’t hide. Don’t be afraid of them. They are afraid of you.

The 0.0003% of elitists who have been suffocating, abusing, murdering, terrorizing, torturing, impoverishing, poisoning, and deceiving all of humanity are being exposed.

They know how vastly outnumbered they are. They see the worldwide awakening that’s happening. They see how they have lost control. That’s why they desperately try to shut everyone down, by rushing their agenda of imposing digital currencies and digital ID’s. This exposes them even more. It reveals their evil hearts for all to see. The sleeping masses are even starting to sense something…

Keep speaking. Keep shouting. Keep raising the sound of deliverance. Keep spreading truth by all means. Keep showing humanity what is going on.
Give hope to the downtrodden. Speak life to those that are desperate. Lift them up. Don’t proclaim the victory of the wicked, but declare their downfall. Use your spiritual authority to herald the defeat of evil and announce the victory of good.

We are the greatest army in the whole world. There is nothing like us. Hell is terrified because we have Heaven on our side.

Stand up, speak truth, don’t back down, let the light shine. The new day will come.

On May 6th a major blow is being dealt to their strongholds of deception and destruction: the World Health Organization and United Nations will be exposed for the world as blatant pedophilia organizations.

All the evidence will be shown to humanity how the WHO and UN are using the worldwide school system to sexualize little children for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia.

Once humanity sees this, and understands how wicked the organizations are that they have blindly trusted and unthinkingly obeyed, their reign is over.
Use this unveiling as a weapon of deliverance for humanity, to take off the masks of the evil tyrants, expose them for all to see, and wake up the world.”

The unveiling happens on May 6th, at StopWorldControl.com 
Make sure to be there! https://stopworldcontrol.com/greatest-army

For more information, go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts, and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.

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