The Feasibility of Gene-Engineered Mosquitoes Spreading Gain-Of-Function Viruses as CCP’s Novel Bioweapons


by Dr. Li-Meng Yan, America Outloud:

It’s well known that mosquitoes can spread certain viruses. However, have you thought about novel bioweapons using mosquito-borne viruses through mosquitoes? One animated video on YouTube elucidates a bio-attack against kids and adults, which is caused by gain-of-function viruses transmitted by gene-engineered mosquitoes (the English subtitles by @nuomt on Twitter).


The video is created by a CCP-supporting company ( It also circulates in media throughout China. Without CCP’s instruction or approval, such content can’t survive, and the company would be shut down due to strict censorship and punishment. Therefore, is it sci-fi or feasible in reality for the CCP regime?

Technically, the feasibility of the novel bioweapon described in the video requires three essential factors:

1. Gain-of-function mosquito-borne viruses;
2. Mosquitoes with lab-acquired viruses;
3. Amplification of gene-engineering mosquitoes.

First, let’s take the Zika virus as an example. According to WHO, the Zika virus poses a global health threat with established Aedes aegypti mosquitos (AKA yellow fever mosquitos). It is a cause of microcephaly in the infant, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and even death.

In 2017, one article titled “A single mutation in the prM protein of Zika virus contributes to fetal microcephaly” was published in Science magazine.  ( the article, a group of Chinese researchers from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and the China Academy of Sciences have successfully enhanced the neurovirulence of a low-virulent Zika virus strain by a generation of certain identified single amino acid mutations using human cells and mouse models.

Note, the principle investigator Cheng-Feng Qin is a leading military virologist who is also deeply involved in the development of the COVID-19 virus. This work is sponsored by multi-Chinese national grants and awarded by Beijing Government in 2020 ( It shows the feasibility of gain-of-function mosquito-borne viruses in China.

Second, one article titled “Aedes mosquitoes acquire and transmit Zika virus by breeding in contaminated aquatic environments” was published in Nature Communications by another group of Chinese scientists in 2019 ( It demonstrates that Aedes mosquitoes can be infected by the Zika virus when breeding in urine or sewage containing low concentrations of the virus. The CCP government-sponsored project suggests the feasibility of mosquitos with lab-acquired viruses.

Third, in 2012, the world’s largest “mosquito factory” was built in Guangzhou by the CCP government with Dr. Zhi-Yong Xi, a leading scientist of gene-engineered mosquitos. As a professor at both Sun Yat-sen University in China and Michigan State University, Dr. Xi has developed a combined strategy to reduce Zika and Dengue virus by eliminating mosquitos: To infect male mosquitos with Wolbachia (a type of bacteria co-existing with 20-75% of all insect species), then mate with females to cause infected and unhatched eggs (

Additionally, low-dose radiation is applied to further sterilize females. The factory could produce 5 million gene-engineered mosquitos per day  ( Although the potential risks involving eco-system imbalance (, similar mosquito factories have been established in Brazil, Mexico, and other countries, with collaborators like WHO, International Atomic Energy Agency, Bill Gates Foundation and US Agency of International Development. According to Dr. Xi, over 90% of the researchers in this international project are from China, while the CCP government is the largest sponsor (

It indicates that CCP-dominated gene-engineered mosquito factories are all over the world, with a very strong capacity for production. The three factors have been accomplished by multiple Chinese military-civil fusion projects with CCP’s tremendous support.

Therefore, what is the motive to promote the video? One reasonable possibility is to engage in cognitive intervention. Remember the principle of CCP’s propaganda: To blame America for everything. What if mosquito-borne viruses are weaponized by CCP?

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