by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

I may or may not be seeing things correctly, so that’s  why I’m filing this one under the “You Tell Me” category.  But the way I’m seeing this is that the state of Texas seems to be leading some sort of “revolt of the states”. It began some years ago with Texas starting its state bullion depository, placing the state out in front of other states that had already passed “constitutional money” resolutions recognizing gold and silver as legal tender.  Texas, by starting its own state bullion depository, took practical action to give those resolutions teeth, and now a number of other states are adding teeth to their resolutions, including exemptions from taxes and Wyoming took the unprecedented step of passing laws requiring the state to accept specie in payment of taxes.  My point with all of this has been that as that federal-enclave- of incompetence and bottomless corruption called Swampington, DC, an enclave surrounded by an unfortunate circumstance called reality, continues to print money at throw it at the Ukraine,  the cultural divide in the country continues, and its becoming more and more clear that the two sides of that divide are mutually incompatible.

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The states are pushing back against the incompetence.  We’ll know how serious they are when they start to confront the impending implosion of states like Nuttyfornia.

But there’s another signal that it’s starting to get serious at a very different level according to this story shared by W.G.:

The story speaks for itself, because states and their populations were affected by Orange Man Bad’s incomprehensible decisions during operation “warp Speed”, including the lockdowns and all the misery – economic and medical – flowing from those states attempting to mandate the injections.  You might recall Orange Man Bad was even contemplating getting the military involved in distribution, a measure which would surely have placed him in the crosshairs of several state governors.   Here’s the central take-away:


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced he’s launching an investigation into whether the major pharmaceutical companies engaged in gain of function research and misled the public about it.

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturers of the experimental COVID mRNA vaccine, will be investigated for potential violations of the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act, the New York Post reported.

“The catastrophic effects of the pandemic and subsequent interventions forced on our country and citizens deserve intense scrutiny, and we are pursuing any hint of wrongdoing to the fullest,” Paxton said in a statement.

“This pandemic was a deeply challenging time for Americans,” he continued. “If any company illegally took advantage of consumers during this period or compromised people’s safety to increase their profits, they will be held responsible. If public health policy was developed on the basis of flawed or misleading research, the public must know.”

Paxton is demanding documents from the COVID shot producers related to “decision-making behind pandemic interventions forced on the public, especially when a profit motive or political pressure may have compromised Americans’ health and safety.”

Paxton’s probe “could have widespread implications for the legal immunity granted to manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccines and open the door to class-action lawsuits from people injured by the mRNA jabs, amid reports of rare but serious adverse effects,” the New York Post’s Miranda Devine wrote.

This comes after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) called for a grand jury investigation into “crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”




There you have it: two states, Texas and Florida, are pursuing state investigations of the relationship of Big Pharma to the whole covid planscamdemic-and-emergency-authorization narradigm of the injections, all for the possibility of a loss of immunity from such actions, and the pursuit  of civil (and criminal) action in states courts.

So my scenario that I have predicted on various Solari quarterly wrap-up reports and in connection to my blogs on the growing revolt of the states regarding constitutional money, appears to be applicable here in the case of the covid planscamdemic. In previous blogs about this phenomenon, I’ve pointed out that the next step would be for states to enter into regional compacts with each other over specific issues. Originally I envisioned this process as perhaps taking between two and five years, but within mere weeks of making the prediction, Montana obliged by calling for precisely such arrangements. So imagine such arrangements extended to policy matters having nothing to do with the push for Central Bank Digital Currency or the recognition of specie and bullion as money, but in other areas of federal overreach and incompetence…


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